Human cloning has been an issue in debate over the

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Human cloning has been an issue in debate over the past many years. Cloning is the process of creating a replica of a human being from DNA cells taken from the body of the person being cloned. Scientists first tried to clone a sheep, and only after they succeeded in this did they begin thinking about cloning humans. It is widely regarded as a blessing by infertile and gay couples who can reproduce their own replicas through cloning. It has been used to promote stem cell research which has allowed us to find a cure for many deadly diseases. Cloning is also important to couples who have lost their kids to disease or accident, since they can create their own replica and feel that their child had never gone away from them. I believe that although cloning sounds like the solution to all these problems, it really might not be.

Randolfe Wicker, who runs a lighting shop in New York City, is the spokesperson for the Human Cloning foundation. Being a gay man, Wicker has long been frustrated that he cannot readily have children of his own. Although he understands that the clone would not be a photocopy of him, he believes that he can deceive death. I can thumb my nose at Mr. Death and say, 'You might get me, but you're not going to get all of me,'" he says. "The special formula that is me will live on into another lifetime. It's a partial triumph over death. I would leave my imprint not in sand but in cement."[Gibbs, Nancy. "Baby, Its You! and You, and You.." Time Magazine 11 Feb. 2001 ]. This example explains to us that people tend to believe that creating their clone would make them immortal. However, it is important to note that cloning would create a different person. It is hard to understand why someone would want to clone their own child when in fact the child is going to be a different individual.

I am strongly against cloning because I do not think it is ethically and morally correct to go against nature's law of reproduction. Scientists in favor of cloning argue that parents who have lost their children at a very young age can have them cloned. But would it ever be possible for parents to replace their lost kids? There are millions of orphans all around the world, most of whom do not receive proper care and nourishment. If infertile couples resort to cloning instead of adoption, we would have a larger problem trying to improve the quality of life for these underprivileged children. Cloning tries to change human life into a laboratory since people are willing to fight nature in their quest for cures of diseases. It is absolutely unethical to clone human beings since God does not give us the right to destroy embryos.