
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade January 2002

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In the play Othello, written by Shakespeare, the most interesting and complex character is Iago. All of the other characters in the play know him as "Honest Iago," but from a reader's standpoint that is clearly not the best nickname for him. He has a unique gift to read others character and person. Iago in Shakespeare's Othello displays certain deceitful characteristics that parallel the conniving ways of the serpent Satan in the book of Genesis. In Act III scene iii, Iago Guarantees Othello's downfall just as Adam and Eve's demise was guaranteed by Satan. The magnitude of Iago's trickery As villain in Shakespeare's play Othello, Iago has two main actions. They are to plot and to deceive. Iago hates Othello for two reasons. He believes that Othello made love to his wife, and Iago is mad that Cassio was chosen to be Lieutenant instead of himself. "I am not what I am."

What is Iago? "“ As distinct from what he pretends to be "“ and what are his motives? In Shakespeare's, Othello, the reader is presented the classic battle between the deceitful forces of evil and the innocence of good. Shakespeare\'s Iago is one of Shakespeare\'s most complex villains. At first glance Iago\'s character seems to be pure evil. However, such a villain would distract from the impact of the play and would be trite. In Act 3 Scene 3, how does Iago persuade Othello of Desdemona's supposed infidelity? Act 3 Scene 3 is, arguably, the most important scene in the entire play, for it is the point of no return. Should William Shakespeare\'s Othello be called Iago? It is possibly his greatest tragedy, yet it has many problems, curiosities, and questions. That is one specific question that should definately be thought about. I believe Othello is a good name for the play. It makes the reader think.