Iago's Indirection.

Essay by hungwyhipposUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, November 2005

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As a teenager, in high school, students feel that they should lie about their heritage or about what they did on a weekend just to sound cool to others and to be liked. Gossip is a popular term used to backstab someone or spread numerous rumors just to be liked by others. In the third act of Othello, we see Iago use these methods, also known as indirection, to gain the better side of Othello. Iago says to Othello, "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy. It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on. That cuckold lives in bliss who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger. But O, what damned minutes tells he o'er who dotes yet doubts, suspects yet fondly loves!" (2956). In that quote, the term cuckold is used. And Iago uses it purposely to misdirect Othello into thinking that his wife is in fact cheating on him with Cassio.

In the movie we saw a visual of the term "poison in the ear" where Othello is quietly listening to Iago's whispering lies. Othello believes him, but not without proof. He has to see that Desdemona is actually going behind his back to have an affair with Cassio, as Iago states they are. This example can be almost directly related to high school students; in that most will believe anything they hear. This form of indirection places Iago in a perfect setting towards Othello, leading him to become the 'best friend' of him and gain a higher trust in the long run. Iago seems to know exactly what to say to create a perfect ruining of Othello's, Desdemona and Cassio's reputation.