If you had four extra hours per day, what would yo

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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u do with them? As years pass, I increasingly find myself relying on the old cliche, "Not enough time", as a handy excuse for avoiding an assortment of tedious, low priority tasks. I'd love to claim that I'd devote four extra hours a day to completing my projects at work or promoting world peace, but that would be lying, or at least presumptuous. I haven't a clue how to solve international problems and my work projects are as complete as they ever will be.

If I had four extra hours per day, I'd invest them in my sideline business, selling custom-made jewelry over the Internet. Art has been my passion since I was a young child, yet I never thought I could earn my living selling beads or hand painted T-shirts. I took the "safe" road by majoring in investment banking and currently enjoy a successful career on Wall Street. Yet I've always had a yen to explore my entrepreneurial side, to market my custom-made belts, earrings and necklaces worldwide. My web site only has moderate sales, but I know that it could achieve much more with additional time and attention.

With four extra hours per day, I would make more samples, print a glossy catalogue and solicit interest from local wholesalers in my area. I'd promote my work at trade shows and craft fairs, where national buyers often search for unique, one-of-a-kind pieces. I'd also beef up my web site, advertise on eBay and become a moderator for jewlery-related chat rooms. I would exhaust every possible step to achieve entrepreneurial success and go to bed each night with the satisfaction that I gave it my best shot.