Increasing cell size lab - Science Probe 10

Essay by red_deerfanHigh School, 10th gradeB+, September 2006

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Aim: Investigate problems of increasing cell size.


1. Copy table on page 352 in textbook.

2. Draw diagram from page 352 in textbook.



Cube Length (cm) Surface Area (cm2) Volume (cm3) Ratio

A 2 24 8 1:3

B 4 96 64 2:3

C 8 384 512 4:3

Conclusion: A larger cell needs more oxygen and food, because it has a lower surface area to volume ratio.


1. Cube B is 2 cm longer than cube A, and cube B also has 72 cm2 more surface area than A. Cube B has 56 cm3 more volume than cube A. The ratio of surface area to volume is smaller for cube B.

2. Cube C is 4 cm longer than cube B, and cube C also has 288 cm2 more surface area than B. Cube C has 448 cm3 more volume than cube B. The ratio of surface area to volume is smaller for cube C.

3. The larger the cell length is, the smaller the ration gets.

4. Cells are small because they need less energy that way.

6. Small mammals hibernate during the winter to stay warm.

7. Bears do not hibernate because they are too large.

8. The process of being revived from hypothermia is called re-warming.

9. You can not survive hyperthermia because you get dehydrated and die.