"Indian Summer" by William Wilfred

Essay by kenson76High School, 12th gradeA+, April 2006

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"Indian Summer" is a poem written by William Wilfred Campbell in 1888. This is surely one of the best known and least-discussed Canadian poems - its simple and direct presentation of a series of natural images: "the blue-jay calls", "by the brook the maple leans", "sumachs on the hills", and "wild birds are flying south". These descriptive phrases refer to the central and eastern Canadian audience. The central core of the poem is to show the change during the transitional seasons of spring and fall that can give us thoughts of death and birth.

In this poem, there are a couple of literary devices that are being used: personification - "blue-jay calls", and "past some river's mouth", imagery - "Along the line of smoky hills", "Throughout the autumn lands", and "And all the sumachs on the hills Have turned their green to red", and rhyming -basically the whole poem is rhyming because the rhyme scheme is like "ABAB".

This poem reminds me one of the short stories we read in class previously - British Columbia because the author uses descriptive wording to describe the beautiful scenery of British Columbia.