Information On Burns

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate January 2002

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Part I: Burn treatment and what not to do to burns. Care for a burn is best if done by a professional. The healing may take several months. For any degree burn run it under cool water to stop the burning pain. Then, when the burn stops, cover with sterile coverings such as gauze or bandaging to prevent infection. DON'T put ice on a burn unless it is very minor like a burn on your finger from a hot stove. DON'T put pressure on a burn no matter how severe or minor it may be. DON'T put ointment on a burn unless it is very minor, otherwise it would just seal the burning in. If it is very minor you can put ointment such as Neosporin on it. If you get blisters from a burn DON'T pop them, it will increase chance of infection. While waiting for professional help keep the burn cool and clean.

Constantly check for any sign of infection. For severe burn victims lay them down if they are having trouble breathing. Keep the burned part of the body raised at all times if possible.

Part II: Sunburn. To prevent sunburn stay out of the sun between 10:00am and 2:00pm because that is when the sun is the strongest. If you are in the sun during these hours be sure to apply sunscreen fifteen to thirty minutes before going out into the sun.

Part III: Chemical burns. In certain laboratories, where people may work, there may be chemicals that can burn the skin and eyes on contact. Household items can cause chemical burns if applied to the eyes. Some examples are, cleansers, lawn and garden spray, paint remover, and household bleach. These items will continue to burn until they are removed. To remove them flush eyes with cool water until professional help arrives. Start removing the chemical as soon as possible.

Part VI: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns.

1st degree burns. 1st degree burns effect the top layer of skin only. The skin is red, dry, and usually painful. The area may swell. Sunburn is a 1st degree and sometimes, but very rarely, a 2nd degree burn. They normally heal in one to two weeks, usually leaving no permanent scar. 1st degree burns are the least severe burns.

2nd degree burns. 2nd degree burns involve the top layers of skin. The skin is red and has large blisters that may open and weep clear fluid, making the skin appear wet. These burns are painful and usually swell. 2nd degree burns take about three to four weeks to heal. They usually leave permanent scars.

3rd degree burns. 3rd degree burns destroy all layers of skin and some under lying structures such as fat, muscles, nerves and bones. These burns can either be the most painful or relatively painless depending on if they destroy all of the nerve endings. They look brown or black with tissue underneath sometimes looking white. 3rd degree burns are the most severe.

Some very critical burns are, burns involving difficulty breathing, burns covering more then one body part, burns to the head, neck, hands, feet, or to the genitals, burns to a small child or an elderly person, and any burns resulting from chemicals, explosions, or electricity.