An Inspector Calls

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade March 2002

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Identically to the way act one closes, act two opens; this represents a unity of time. The inspector in this cat now gets straight to the point and works on each character, being used as a signalling device for the audience to foresee the eventual downfall of each character. He uses several techniques in interrogating the characters; one example of this is putting words into the characters mouths. This technique gives great scope for dramatic irony. In this act Sheila has accepted her own guilt and now ironically hopes that Gerald shares in it. The act particularly focuses on Gerald and his relationship with Sheila.

Sheila starts to connect with the inspector and understands his actions, by her realising that the more people protest their innocence, the more people will prove their guilt. This is why "An Inspector Calls" is a morality play where the audience learns along with the characters.

When Gerald admits that he had an affair with Daisy Renton/ Eva Smith, she is upset but is emotionally strong enough to cope with it and to even acknowledge that she is impressed by Gerald's honesty. Her realisation that honesty and truth really matter, show that she is capable of learning and changing. When the inspector leaves, Sheila is traumatized. She is fully aware of the responsibilities of the people around her and herself will become a better person because of it. She has taken responsibility of her actions and understands that a lesson has to be learned from the inspectors visit, prank or not.