
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade January 2002

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Internationalists thought: "¢ That new technology made American involvement in the war inevitable "¢ That American prosperity depended on maintaining order in the global economy.

Many internationalists were executives of multi-national companies such as IBM, General Electric, Kodak, General Motors and Standard Oil. Hence, these people wanted low tariffs and an open market.

Some of these companies worked illicitly with Nazi Germany into the 1930's.

*Interesting Fact* GM and Ford produced half of Hitler's tanks in the 1930's.

Many internationalist politicians were intimidated by the isolationist's strength in Congress.

Historian Robert Divine thought that, "most internationalists were old-stock Protestants, felt close to Great Britain, and believed that America had replaced Britain as the world's greatest power." He also felt that internationalists were really only concerned with Europe, as they "took Latin America for granted and neglected the Orient." President Roosevelt himself was an internationalist, which lent to the speculation that he actually knew about the attack on Pearl Harbour before it happened.

After Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 and Germany and France declared war, President Roosevelt declared that the U.S. would remain neutral in action, but made it clear that he favored the Allied cause.

"¢ He asked for a relaxation of Neutrality Act restrictions to allow war materiel to be purchased by Allied forces on a cash-and-carry basis.

"¢ Old American ships were traded to the British in exchange for the right to build military bases on British territory Neutrality was abandoned by the U.S. in 1940 with lend-lease policies that gave FDR permission to give arms to the Allies.