The Intricate Mentality Of Hamlet

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade January 2002

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The intricate mentality of Hamlet upon his inner struggle that torments him throughout the play is more than just an onslaught to his mind but a contradiction to the foundations of his moral integrity. Due to this fact, Hamlet delays the demise of Claudius and the vengeance his father's death. These circumstances predominantly compounds the melancholy upon his consciousness, resulting in his insanity upon the other characters.

Being the philosopher that Hamlet is, he uses ingenious tactics such as re-enacting a play of his fathers death to control the confronting dominions that oppose him. His surrounding environment is a major factor towards his depression, but to be that as it may, his inner struggle is the loftiest factor of all.

For being in a situation where following morals will end up in death and playing foul will keep one alive, Hamlet is trying to decide whether he should kill his step-father Claudius for killing his father, throughout the whole play.

From these facts, he faces many complexes dealing with his mother sleeping with his uncle and the betrayals of his under ranks. Hamlet's most famous soliloquy is an ideal example of his internal debate. Hamlet clarifies his two possible courses of action and explores with a remarkable clarity the temptations and pitfalls of each. The very opposition, "To be or not to be," is a statement of opposition. Moreover the use of the word "be" implies the idea of the opposition on a level of abstraction above the everyday problems of life and death. Undoubtedly, Hamlet does not say, "To live or to die," that is the question. This statement brings out Hamlet's concern for universal questions of meaning above and beyond social or temporal constraint. "Existence," as implied in the word "be," is a purer more lofty concept than bare "life." Furthermore, Hamlet cannot decide to kill Claudius but also he faces dilemmas of getting himself killed by the orders of Claudius. Also the death of his sophisticated love Ophelia brings upon more perplexing melancholy upon his consciousness. These struggles within himself shows more and more that he is a philosopher and thinker rather than a person of engagement.

As Hamlet proceeds with his dismals, he gropes of the revenge that he will present to Claudius for killing his father. He augment the guilt to Claudius, "the play's the thing/ Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King" (II.ii.584-585). Hamlet's canny wit exhibits philosophical dexterity that proposes great onus upon Claudius. As Hamlet is accomplishing this act, he questions his integrity to perceive the true principle of his actions. He is a man of colossal imbalance within his mind, thus causing him to ponder the hinderance of the manslaughter upon Claudius. Hamlet's insecurity towards his mother also accumulates the melancholy in which he faces, ultimately seeking to Claudius. "Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple / Of thinking too precisely on th' event" (IV.iv.40-41). Hamlet believes that he thinks either too much or not enough. To Hamlet and the reader, Claudius is a symbol of retribution. He antagonizes Hamlet since the death of his father and exhibits strife of Gertrude.

Many considerations can be seen that intermits the killing of Claudius. The ultimate antecedent may be that Hamlet feels a deeper connection for his mother than just a mother/son relationship as oppose to more promiscuous actions . "He hath kill'd my king and whored my mother," (V.ii.65). Hamlet feels reluctant to kill Claudius because Claudius revives the furtive rapacity that Hamlet see's in himself. Claudius murdered Hamlet's father and whored his mother. The same can be said about Hamlet's desiderium if he is consciously sane. He contemplates his ideal desire for what he must achieve by following his instincts. This may be the culmination of his melancholic mentality.

As Hamlet encounters more and more repression towards killing Claudius, his imbalance triggers a rumination for why he should live or not live. He ponders the thought of the difference between man and dust, and that man are merely beasts. "Be but to sleep and feed? A beast," (IV.iv.36). As the play reaches to its end, Hamlet's last resort to free his smite is to face his ultimate demisery, for no human being can face as much mental problems and live on to be the same as Hamlet. To a certain degree of relief for Hamlet, the minutes before his death, the true plot of Claudius is revealed. This freed a certain part of torment within Hamlet before his dissolution. Although the torment from the part of Hamlet had been freed, his melancholy has built up to an unbearable extent. By the time the play reaches its pinnacle, Hamlet's melancholy lingers on but his ensample with Claudius is finally resolved.