Jane Erye

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade October 2001

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The novel Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, clearly describes two different Jane Eyre's. Throughout the book Jane changes immensely, she goes from being a frustrated, lonely slave driven orphan, among unfeeling relatives, to an independent, self-confident women.

It all started back when Jane's was born and both of Jane's parents where killed a food virus known as typhus. Because of her parent's death Jane was forced to live with her only known relative Mrs. Sarah Gibson Reed. While living under the supervision of the heartless Mrs. Reed, she was forced to do chores and other backbreaking work. If the harsh ruling of Mrs. Reed wasn't enough, Jane had to deal with her rude son John Reed. Although John was rough on Jane, I think he brought out the best in her.

"Wicked cruel boy!" I said. "You are like a murderer-you are like a slave driver-you are like the Roman Emperors!" (P.5)

This was said to John while being walloped full of punches from Jane for taking a book Jane was finally starting to find peace in while living at Gateshed. I believe this was the break through point for Jane into womanhood and speaking up for herself. From there on out it seemed as though Jane was never afraid to speak up for herself.

Once Jane was old enough she was enrolled in Lowood, a boarding school for orphaned girls. At Lowood Jane was challenged again by the schools founder, Mr. Brocklehurst. Jane wasn't allowed any slack, but with the help of her new best friend Helen Burns and new idol, Miss Maria Temple they defeated the harsh words and actions of Mr. Brocklehurst. No matter what Mr. Brocklehurst would say and do to Jane, with the comfort of Maria Temple she could conquer almost anything, except the death of Helen Burns. After the death, Jane takes a job at Thornfield Hall to teach English as a second language. At Thornfield Jane be friends her student almost immediately and falls into deep admiration and love for her father Mr. Rochester. Because of the incredible connection of the two, Mr. Rochester proposes to Jane. Time passes and the wedding day arrives. On the day of the wedding Jane's womanhood is tested again. She discovers that Mr. Rochester is already married to a madwoman, who doesn't even speak English (Bertha Mason Rochester). Jane instantly thinks that she will never be able to be Mr. Rochester's true wife, but only his mistress. So she flees as far away as her money will take her. Jane ends up in a little town called Whitcross. After three days of hardly any food and water Jane collapses on the doorstep of the Moor House. She is rescued from the rainy night by St. John Rivers the minister at the Moor House. He soon finds Jane a job teaching at the new all girls' school. Over time St. John starts to fall in love with Jane. He soon proposes in a passionless way, but the man does not impress Jane. From far off, a distant voice seems to call her back to her former love, Mr. Rochester. She follows the voices and travels back to Thornfield, only to find that it is a burned-out shell. Mr. Rocherter, her true love, has lost his vision and his amputated hand. The two reveal their love for one another, and he proposes to her again! With in three days they are then married and settle in Ferndean. Where they have their first child, a baby boy! Jane blossoms from the lonely, frustrated orphan, amongst unkind relatives, to an independent, self confident, truly admirable wife and mother. Through her troubled experiences he has become a complete, self-assured women. Her achievement for her perseverance is the love and devotion of a husband who truly cherishes her, a son, and a secure home life, overflowing with joy!