
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate June 2001

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When I first learned what jealousy really was, I was about 7 years old. I remember lying in my warm bed one night, almost asleep, when suddenly your brother breaks through the silence screaming out, "Mother! Mother! Hurry, come quick! I finally pulled my tooth!" Then your mother quickly runs in, as if he had done something spectacular, and replies, "Oh, Daniel, how wonderful! I told you it would come out eventually" The next thing I knew was that my brother had asked to hear about the Tooth Fairy again. So, she told him all about how the Tooth Fairy flies about with a basket of goodies every night and she swaps your tooth for a treasure.

Then with a kiss on the cheek, my mother says, "Goodnight children and sweet dream," then off she went to bed.

You may not see anything wrong with this, but I certainly did, I was furious.

I thought it was not fair at all! Why should my brother get a treasure? I wawsn't getting a treasure, I wanted one too! And, I was determined to get one.

"But, Amy, mom says that you can't get anything unless you lose a tooth. And you haven't lost one, only I have." smirks my little brother, as he held up his newly fallen out tooth. But I wasn't worried one bit. I could out trick anyone, I thought, even the Tooth Fairy, because I was a professional.

First I tried to think of something that somewhat resembled a tooth. This ended up being more difficult then I thought it would be. Marbles were just the right size, but they were too round. Corn was the exact shape, but a bit too gushy and yellow. I didn't want the Tooth Fairy thinking that I didn't brush my teeth very well or maybe she wouldn't give me a good enough treasure. What could I possibly use to trick the Tooth Fairy? "Oh, I have got the perfect idea," I thought to myself. I ran to my desk drawer and pulled out an eraser. I was going to make my own tooth by cutting up that eraser. Then I can just paint it white so that it would look clean. So, that is what I did. I sculpted a tooth and painted it a brilliant white. Then slipped is under my pillow to be swapped for a treasure.

When I awoke that next morning and checked under my pillow, to my surprise, I found that the tooth was still there, and no treasure had been swapped. Why hadn't the Tooth Fairy token it? It looked just like a real tooth, she couldn't have possibly known the difference. I was determined to find out what happened. I stomped strait to my mother's room and demanded an answer.

My mother sat up slowly and looked me strait in the eye, then asked, "Did you try to trick the Tooth Fairy?" So, I told her how I didn't want Daniel to be the only one to get a treasure and that I wanted one to. My mother proceeded to tell me how that feeling I had was jealousy, and that the next time I felt like that I needed to remember all of the things that I have and too be grateful for them. Then she reminded me of when I lost my tooth and I was the only one to get a treasure.

I thought about it for a moment and decided that she was right. Besides, my birthday was coming up in a few weeks, and with all the gifts I would be getting, my brother will be very jealous. "Hee! Hee! Hee!"