Johnny the Homicidal Maniac

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is a brilliant comic from the mind of Jhonen Vasquez. In the story, humans emit evil naturally. In order to stop this evil from building up and annihilating... stuff, certain objects or points are assigned to be prisons to hold this evil, where it can build and build and build without hurting anything. Additionally, a waste lock is assigned to every waste prison. A waste lock is usually an introverted and quiet creature, that's of no threat to anyone but themselves. All of the evil gets channelled through them into the prison. This constant flow of evil slowly makes the locks mind deteriorate, until they become insane. This is amplified when the evil begins to suck creativity and memories from it's lock in an attempt to become stronger. When the lock dies, their seal breaks, allowing the evil to break free, destroying the universe. It then goes on to exist in the void of nothingness as a higher power reboots the universe, minus that waste.

Johnny was an ill-chosen waste lock, because he was already homicidal before becoming a waste lock, and all that evil didn't help. the prison that he locked was the wall, which was able to control Johnny by giving him the idea of making the Doughboys, who were supposed to feed on 'Nny's creativity and become strong enough to kill Johnny, or convince him to commit suicide. Both Psycho and Mr. Fuck had been voices in Johnny's head for a while, but were able to truly start controling him once they had bodies of their own. However, Mr. Fuck liked the idea of being his own being, and not just a slave to Johnny who had become a slave to the non-moose. So, rather than make 'Nny suicidal, he decided to make him even more homicidal, because this was an adequate substitute for 'Nny's creativity, which they had pretty much sucked dry. The only thing keeping Johnny even vaugely his own person throughout all of this is Nail Bunny, who attempts to convince him that he can stop listening to the Doughboys and get help with his mental issues. However, Nail Bunny comes from what little creativity 'Nny has left, and stops talking once it's devoured by the Doughboys. Without Nail Bunny, 'Nny is cornered by the Doughboys, and attempts to fake his suicide by setting up a trap that should never kill him, which is reassured by the fact that he can't be killed or caught, be it because of the non-moose or some other power, or because of a plot-device. However, fate or something intervenes when Devi decides to call him, thus transforming him into Johnny the Dead Homicidal Maniac. The non-moose breaks out, reabsorbs the Doughboys, and falls into the void, just like it's supposed to. While in Heaven, 'Nny learns that God doesn't give a rats ass about the earth, and no one in Heaven feels any need to do anything but sit in a chair all day. In Hell, Mr. Satan/Senior Diablo explains a bunch of what I just said above. Because he doesn't belong in Heaven or Hell for some reason or another, he is sent back to Earth, too distracted with losing his coat to learn about his spooky origins. It is at this point that Reverend Meat decides to reveal himself, because Johnny is starting to contemplate desensitization. A victim, ex-girlfriend, or possibly even his mother gave the statue of Bub's Burger Boy to 'Nny, and now that he wants to eliminate most of the things in him that make him human, his senses have taken the form of the voice of Reverend Meat, which in 'Nny's head comes from the statue. According to Reverend Meat, the only difference between him and Mr. Fuck is that he holds a burger in the air. This means that Reverend Meat wants to control Johnny, but rather than grow apart from him and become his own sentient self, he simply wants Johnny to continue being human, so that the human instincts that are Reverend Meat can continue to live through 'Nny. Johnny, however, is sick of being a slave to stuff, after being slave to the non-moose. He doesn't want to be a slave to himself either. So, he strives to become like Mr. Samsa, the little immortal cockroach. Another reason for his desire for desensitization is that he feels very bad and guilty about trying to kill Devi, and because he doesn't want to kill her and she won't accept his apology, the only way for him to escape the hurt is to forget about her, as well as everything else. He wants to essentially become a cockroach in a human's body with a human's brain. My guess is that he was inspired to do this after seeing the people in Heaven, sitting there, cold and emotionless, feeling nothing but contentment. 'Nny doesn't believe that he can find contentment though, and decides that the next best thing would be to lose sight of what contentment, as well as every other emotion, is, through desensitization. It is here that JTHM has ended at this point in time. Whether or not it's going to continue like what seems to have been planned, only Jhonen knows.