Johnny Tremain

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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Johnny Tremain is about the Revolutionary War era in Boston and how a 14-year old boy named Johnny Tremain was involved in it. The story starts when Johnny is an apprentice for Mr. Lapham, a silversmith. Soon they become renowned and John Hancock, one of the richest Boston merchants and a member of the Sons of Liberty, puts in an order for a silver basin, and while doing that he melts his hand together through a grave incident. After that, his apprentice program ends and he is forced to look for work. He could not find a single one because of his disfigured hand. Eventually he goes to his last resort. Before his mother, Lavinia Lyte Tremain, died. She gave him the Lyte family crest. She was the sister of Jonathan Lyte, the only living heir of the family. She was disowned when she married Charles Tremain against her family's wishes.

The mother said to use it only if it was the last option. When Johnny asked for help he was charged of stealing it and was later relieved by the help of Josiah Quincy. After that he becomes Mr. Lorne's apprentice for the Boston Observer, Whig newspaper. There he became a good friend of Mr. Lorne and his nephew, Rab. He was the newspaper deliverer and discovered that the paper, was the voice of the Sons of Liberty, a revolutionary group. Through that he becomes a devoted Whig. Then Johnny took part in the Boston Tea Party, which starts the conflicts in that area. The video also describes Paul Revere's Ride through Lexington. Then Dr. Warren a member of the Sons of Liberty cuts Johnny's fingers apart so they could be operational again. Johnny was very affected by his friend, Rab's death and continued their struggle. Also the Lytes fled to England and Johnny and Priscilla (Cilla) acknowledge for each other.