Jordan Is Back?

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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JORDAN'S BACK! AGAIN?? Michael Jordan is back in the N.B.A. The same player that dominated the league for years is back. This time he has a whole new set of hurdles to overcome and a league full of new talent to try and compete with. Age, rule changes, and a new level of athletic ability are some of the walls in front of Jordan's quest to be among the elite in the NBA Once again.

"I'm not afraid to take a step. If I fall, I fall. If we all can learn something in life, [it's] don't be afraid in doing something you think you're capable of achieving. Don't let anyone determine what your beliefs may be".

Over the past months there has been lots of speculation of a Michael Jordan return to the NBA. I have followed the papers and magazines covering his workouts and training, and he seems to be in great physical shape.

The question still remains, can Michael Jordan at thirty-eight years of age compete with the young talent the NBA offers such as Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant. These two players are among the many who are redefining the game of basketball, with their athleticism and flashy highflying styles of play. Keeping up with these high flyers would have been a challenge for Michael Jordan in his prime, now at age thirty eight he will have to rely on his experience and be a more crafty player to be affective. "Am I nervous? No. I'm very confident of what I'm capable of doing," Jordan said. "Obviously there are high expectations about what I can do and what I can't do, and that's something I've always had to deal with.

In the past Jordan has benefited from the rules in the NBA. Before he could only be double teamed when he dad the ball, now with the new rule changes defenses can play zone and double team anyone at any spot on the court. This will be a big adjustment for Jordan who had played with a different set of rules since he first entered the league in 1985. These changes in the game will no doubt be a challenge for Jordan who is trying to make his second comeback in his spectacular career.

One thing is certain in Jordan's return to action. It will be a return that is highly publicized and carefully watched. He will be watched under the public microscope for every little mistake he might make until he proves that he can still compete in a younger faster paced NBA. Until Jordan goes head to head with the Allen Iversons and Kobe Bryants of the league he will be doubted and scrutinized. The game of basketball is a very competitive sport and some of the best athletes in our country play it. Can Michael Jordan's competitiveness make aide him in this return? "I'm going to have total confidence once I step on the basketball court that I can do all the things I'm capable of doing," "In terms of mentally playing the game at the highest level, I will be totally confident once I step on the basketball court. Physically, I know I'm not 25 years old. I'm not stepping up here and saying I'll be 25 years old when I step on the court but I feel I can play the game of basketball at the highest level and that's what I aim to do." Jordan said. It might have to, to make up for his age and gradual decline in athleticism because of the natural process of aging. The return of His Airness will be a great attraction and very entertaining.