Joseph And The Technicolor

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade August 2001

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Joseph and the Technicolor Jacob and Rachel were the proud parents of Joseph. Joseph had eleven brothers and was the second youngest. The order of Joseph's brothers go like this: Reuben was the oldest of the children of Israel, followed by Simeon, Levi, Napthali, Isaachar, Asher, Dan, Zebulun, Gad, Benjamin and Judah. Not all of them had the same mother. Jacob, Joseph's father, had many wives.

Jacob favored Joseph greatly, which made his brothers jealous. Joseph was kind, helping his father and family well as a shepherd in the fields. He was seventeen at the time. His brothers resented the way Jacob favored Joseph and their anger against him grew after their father gave him an amazing coat of many colors.

Joseph dreamed a lot. His dreams told him that he was to become a great man and be a lot more successful than any of his brothers.

When they heard this, the brothers decided that something had to be done about Joseph.

While working on the fields, the brothers attacked Joseph. They stripped him of his coat and were about to throw him into a pit to face his death when a bunch of Ishmaelites passed by. The brothers sold Joseph to them as a slave and returned to their father with the sad news of Joseph's death. They took his coat and put animal's blood on it and told their father that wild animals killed Joseph.

In Egypt, Joseph was then sold to Potiphar, the captain of the Pharaoh's guards. Joseph was quickly made head of the servants. Things seemed to be going well for him until Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him. Joseph turned down her offer because it was against his religion. She became so enraged that she called for Potiphar and told him that Joseph was trying to seduce her. Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison immediately.

While in jail, Joseph explained the meanings of his dreams he had to the two Pharaoh's servants, who the king did not like. One of the men became Pharaoh's cup servant after he got out of jail. Several years later, Pharaoh was bothered by horrible dreams and his cup servant told him about Joseph's weird ability to interpret dreams. Joseph was brought before Pharaoh and translated the dreams. The dreams told him of a coming food shortage. In return he was made the second most powerful man in Egypt, the overseer of food supplies.

His brothers did not do so well, in Canaan where famine and plague dominated. They left to seek food in Egypt. They went to Joseph, and, although none of them recognized him, he took pity on them giving each a sack of food. To test his brothers he planted a gold cup in the sack given to the youngest, Benjamin. As they tried to leave Joseph stopped them to investigate the theft of the precious cup. It was discovered in Benjamin's bag. The others took the blame and refused to let anyone think that Benjamin was in any way dishonest. Joseph realized that his brothers were honest and revealed his true identity to them. Jacob was brought from Canaan and the family was reunited.

The "lesson to be learned" is not to be mean to your siblings, friends. For when you need them they may not be there. It is kind of like in the Ten Commandments: Love Thy Neighbor.

This could be used as an allusion by saying don't treat your siblings the way Joseph's eleven brothers did. For yours may not be as nice and forgiving as Joseph was.