Journal in the slave days

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Orellana � PAGE �8�

Anthony Orellana

Mr. Valentine

U.S History I

8 July 2008

Life During Child Labor

March 9, 1812

Dear diary,

I am so exhausted right now. I just worked from 5 A.M to 9 P.M today in the boring factory. When is this going to end, I can't take this anymore. All I do is go from machine to machine fixing them like if I'm this little rat that can fit in everything. Well diary I'm going to sleep now, I can't keep eyes open anymore. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

March 17, 1812

Dear diary,

I'm sick of this job, I can't take it anymore. The most horrible thing happened to me today at work. I ALMOST GOT CAUGHT IN A MACHINE, I swear I thought I was going to die today. I'm done with this job, I'm going to give the boss a complain tomorrow.

Thank god I'm not dead, but yea its getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow again.

March 20, 1812

Dear diary,

I can not believe this dumb guy made me carry weights on my neck for about two hours just because I told him how I felt about the tasks he was making me do. I'm in so much pain right now, I feel like my neck is about to fall off. I looked at my neck in the mirror and have a big red line that is running across, like if I got scratched. Now I know not to complain because it seems like it hurts them a lot, so im just going to have to deal with this problem.

March 26, 1812

Dear diary,

This job can't get any worse for me. I got beat so many times this weak that I just lost count after the first day. I have been doing my tasks better than any other kid in the factory and the boss orders for me to get punished by getting beat this time because it seems like the last punishment didn't teach me a lesson and plus I'm doing my job real poorly. I think this guy just hates me but what can I do I have to go to work in order to get money.

March 27, 1812

Dear diary,

It is miracle that today at work everything for me was so calm. I didn't get beat, yelled at, or nothing. I just like how today went and hope it keeps going this way.

April 2, 1812

Dear diary,

I finally got paid today and guess how much? I got paid 3d, I have been working so hard and not getting paid almost two straight weeks and to just come out to get this amount. This is ridiculous, I swear if this factory doesn't punish me, they just won't pay me the amount I'm suppose to get. Now I realize that life for me is going to be boring and painful, especially with this job I have right now.

March 9, 1812

Dear diary,

I am so exhausted right now. I just worked from 5 A.M to 9 P.M today in the boring factory. When is this going to end, I can't take this anymore. All I do is go from machine to machine fixing them like if I'm this little rat that can fit in everything. Well diary I'm going to sleep now, I can't keep eyes open anymore. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

March 17, 1812

Dear diary,

I'm sick of this job, I can't take it anymore. The most horrible thing happened to me today at work. I ALMOST GOT CAUGHT IN A MACHINE, I swear I thought I was going to die today. I'm done with this job, I'm going to give the boss a complain tomorrow. Thank god I'm not dead, but yea its getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow again.

March 20, 1812

Dear diary,

I can not believe this dumb guy made me carry weights on my neck for about two hours just because I told him how I felt about the tasks he was making me do. I'm in so much pain right now, I feel like my neck is about to fall off. I looked at my neck in the mirror and have a big red line that is running across, like if I got scratched. Now I know not to complain because it seems like it hurts them a lot, so im just going to have to deal with this problem.

March 26, 1812

Dear diary,

This job can't get any worse for me. I got beat so many times this weak that I just lost count after the first day. I have been doing my tasks better than any other kid in the factory and the boss orders for me to get punished by getting beat this time because it seems like the last punishment didn't teach me a lesson and plus I'm doing my job real poorly. I think this guy just hates me but what can I do I have to go to work in order to get money.

March 27, 1812

Dear diary,

It is miracle that today at work everything for me was so calm. I didn't get beat, yelled at, or nothing. I just like how today went and hope it keeps going this way.

April 2, 1812

Dear diary,

I finally got paid today and guess how much? I got paid 3d, I have been working so hard and not getting paid almost two straight weeks and to just come out to get this amount. This is ridiculous, I swear if this factory doesn't punish me, they just won't pay me the amount I'm suppose to get. Now I realize that life for me is going to be boring and painful, especially with this job I have right now.

March 9, 1812

Dear diary,

I am so exhausted right now. I just worked from 5 A.M to 9 P.M today in the boring factory. When is this going to end, I can't take this anymore. All I do is go from machine to machine fixing them like if I'm this little rat that can fit in everything. Well diary I'm going to sleep now, I can't keep eyes open anymore. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

March 17, 1812

Dear diary,

I'm sick of this job, I can't take it anymore. The most horrible thing happened to me today at work. I ALMOST GOT CAUGHT IN A MACHINE, I swear I thought I was going to die today. I'm done with this job, I'm going to give the boss a complain tomorrow. Thank god I'm not dead, but yea its getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow again.

March 20, 1812

Dear diary,

I can not believe this dumb guy made me carry weights on my neck for about two hours just because I told him how I felt about the tasks he was making me do. I'm in so much pain right now, I feel like my neck is about to fall off. I looked at my neck in the mirror and have a big red line that is running across, like if I got scratched. Now I know not to complain because it seems like it hurts them a lot, so im just going to have to deal with this problem.

March 26, 1812

Dear diary,

This job can't get any worse for me. I got beat so many times this weak that I just lost count after the first day. I have been doing my tasks better than any other kid in the factory and the boss orders for me to get punished by getting beat this time because it seems like the last punishment didn't teach me a lesson and plus I'm doing my job real poorly. I think this guy just hates me but what can I do I have to go to work in order to get money.

March 27, 1812

Dear diary,

It is miracle that today at work everything for me was so calm. I didn't get beat, yelled at, or nothing. I just like how today went and hope it keeps going this way.

April 2, 1812

Dear diary,

I finally got paid today and guess how much? I got paid 3d, I have been working so hard and not getting paid almost two straight weeks and to just come out to get this amount. This is ridiculous, I swear if this factory doesn't punish me, they just won't pay me the amount I'm suppose to get. Now I realize that life for me is going to be boring and painful, especially with this job I have right now.

March 9, 1812

Dear diary,

I am so exhausted right now. I just worked from 5 A.M to 9 P.M today in the boring factory. When is this going to end, I can't take this anymore. All I do is go from machine to machine fixing them like if I'm this little rat that can fit in everything. Well diary I'm going to sleep now, I can't keep eyes open anymore. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

March 17, 1812

Dear diary,

I'm sick of this job, I can't take it anymore. The most horrible thing happened to me today at work. I ALMOST GOT CAUGHT IN A MACHINE, I swear I thought I was going to die today. I'm done with this job, I'm going to give the boss a complain tomorrow. Thank god I'm not dead, but yea its getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow again.

March 20, 1812

Dear diary,

I can not believe this dumb guy made me carry weights on my neck for about two hours just because I told him how I felt about the tasks he was making me do. I'm in so much pain right now, I feel like my neck is about to fall off. I looked at my neck in the mirror and have a big red line that is running across, like if I got scratched. Now I know not to complain because it seems like it hurts them a lot, so im just going to have to deal with this problem.

March 26, 1812

Dear diary,

This job can't get any worse for me. I got beat so many times this weak that I just lost count after the first day. I have been doing my tasks better than any other kid in the factory and the boss orders for me to get punished by getting beat this time because it seems like the last punishment didn't teach me a lesson and plus I'm doing my job real poorly. I think this guy just hates me but what can I do I have to go to work in order to get money.

March 27, 1812

Dear diary,

It is miracle that today at work everything for me was so calm. I didn't get beat, yelled at, or nothing. I just like how today went and hope it keeps going this way.

April 2, 1812

Dear diary,

I finally got paid today and guess how much? I got paid 3d, I have been working so hard and not getting paid almost two straight weeks and to just come out to get this amount. This is ridiculous, I swear if this factory doesn't punish me, they just won't pay me the amount I'm suppose to get. Now I realize that life for me is going to be boring and painful, especially with this job I have right now.