
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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You were the only one who laughed with me in times of happiness.

You were the only one who wept with me in times of sadness.

You were the only one who listened when everyone else seemed deaf.

You were the only one who was there when everyone else left.

You were the only one who remained a true friend and was always there to lend a helping hand.

You were the only one who cared, when nobody seemed to understand.

You were the only one who asked me not to go.

I had no other choice, I had to say, "no." I never wanted to leave you behind.

i tried to hold back my tears.

'Cuz I know someday we'll grow apart, and that's one of my greatest fears.

And as I look back on the times we shared and hear a familiar song, it is now all clear to me, back there with you is where I belong.