
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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The character of Beowulf being portrayed as a cartoon character could greatly effect the audience in many ways. However, the majority of cartoon viewers are school-aged children. This presents a debate in whether his character should be recognized as an influence on a child's life.

The main character of Beowulf is portrayed as a character with devotion, honor, respect, and many other characteristics of mid-evil knights. Their strict codes of honor should serve as an example for today's children. With honor comes pride, and with pride comes confidence. By teaching lessons of pride and confidence through an epic hero like Beowulf in a form that appeals to young children will make today's youth more likely to succeed in life. It is said that one can learn anything if he can find a way to relate to the material. Well here is a chance to teach our children strict moral values in a more entertaining way.

An example of confidence is seen in Beowulf's battle with Grendel. By taking away the gore of the epic, a student can appreciate and learn the ways to be confident in any situation. For example, confidence in a job interview is a key factor in presenting one's self to an employer. By learning this characteristic at an early age, one can be mentally prepared for obstacles later in life.

Another aspect of the Beowulf character that makes it a good cartoon is the ever-present good versus evil ploy. Throughout the years quality cartoons introduce these battles of good and evil to lure the viewers into the show. The fact that Beowulf already has these scenes depicted in the story makes it a great cartoon for today's youth. Also, not only will they enjoy a well-made cartoon but also they can experience a most exquisite piece of literature.

These characteristics plus a numerous amount of others create a character with the ability to influence children. With an influence like Beowulf on today's youth, they can appreciate not only a piece of English literature but also be entertained while learning strict moral values. By reviewing this material, one can make the conclusion that the proposal at hand is not only acceptable but necessary also.