Korean Feastival

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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The concert I attended was the Korean Festival, which was held at the Pacific Asia Museum. The setting was very traditional they had Korean food, which was really good. They had a section where they teach you how to play Yut - nori, which is a Korean game you play at festivals or just a family gathering. There was also a section were kids and adults can make masks to wear .As you walk along they have tables that have Korean books, Korean Dolls, and a table that had booklet's on Korea. They actually didn't have a Korean musical performance .The only music they had was for the Korean Dancers.

Yes, there was Korean folkloric aspects, they had the Korean dancers dress in a Korean costume called Hanbok. They also had a veteran from the Korean pictures of the king from a long time ago. There was audience participation especially from the little kids.

They seemed like they were really enjoying the fan dance. They were so adorable. I thought the best part of the Festival was the fan dance and all the cool things you can view, after what I have seen I was proud in calling myself a Korean. I also enjoyed learning about new things that involved Korea.

The bad thing about this festival is there wasn't a lot of Korean people involved. I learned a lot from the Korean booklet like a schedule of a typical middle school student.

Kids in Korea start school at 8:20-4:05 and has to attend Monday through Saturday. I also learned about a day called Sam-il Day which is the day the Koreans declared their independence.

Based on my experience I am really glad I joined music 23 because if it weren't for this class I wouldn't have been able to get this chance. While seeing other Koreans there I realized that I really wanted to go to Korea to visit my family.

They didn't really have musical instruments but they had a booklet about it. I learned that there are more than 60 distinct instruments of which 45 are still played today, Korean music has its own distinct repertory and musical forms. The earliest instrumental music that is still performed today Sujech'on, is a form of court music over a thousand years old, performed by an instrumental ensemble that includes taegum (transverse bamboo flutes), piri (cylindrical oboes), kaya- gum (twelve string zither), and a variety of drums and other percussion instruments. I read about how you can distinguish Korean folk music from China and Japan. Korean music has triple meter and China and Japan has a double meter.

While looking through this book I also learned about different style music. Like p'ansori, a musical and dramatic form. Alternately spoken, sung, and acted, p'ansori performance tells one of five basic stories based his/her own touches. The last thing I learned about music of Korea is that the court music also included military music and ritual music, which accompanied Confucian rituals or ceremonies at royal shrines.

After this report I learned a lot about my country I didn't know about .Now when I go to Korea or just go to another Korean festival I will know the history and the different types of music and instruments.