Kosova Life

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2002

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The place I love the most in world Earth was really beautiful place. People smiling all around, happy surrounded by their families and their loved ones. But everything seemed to change in the day when the war began heating up so much that people couldn't stand it anymore, and they had to leave everything behind, without turning back.

I remember that day. It was March 30th, 1999, when Serbian troops came up into our doors asking us to leave our homes in thirty minutes, and if we didn't do what we were asked to do we were dead people.

With broken hearts and tears in our eyes we were sent to the train station, where everyone was looking at each other with a question that couldn't be answered in that time: "Where are we going?" God, that was horrible. We were walking and walking and no one knew where we were going.

Finally train came after nine hours standing in rain. Everyone started moving and pushing one another to get into the train, even though we didn't know where it was going. Seven to eight people where sitting on the seat that was made for one person and there was no food or water for nine hours.

At five o'clock in the morning the train dropped its cargo of 2000 lost and tired people in the middle of this land that was surrounded by the Macedonian policeman, who were pointing at line where we had to walk and if we passed that we were dead because the place was all mined.

In the end nightmare was over, and my family and I moved to a place where there was always "freedom in "America". Even though we didn't have to be afraid that someone is going to stop us in the street while we were walking and beat us up, it wasn't home. It didn't even smell like the city where I open my eyes for the first time and spoke my first words.

In the end, no matter how happy I'll be in my future life, and no matter where I go, there won't ever be a place that would be like Prishtina because in that place I learn how to be me, to respect others and most of all myself.