LAB: The Plane Truth

Essay by logomarioHigh School, 11th gradeA, December 2008

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Purpose/Problem: To make paper airplane that will fly further or the furthest.

- Problem: The paper plane that I have does not have wing flaps.

Hypothesis: If my paper airplane gains wing flaps then my paper airplane will go further or furthest.

Materials:Green and yellow Paper (same kind, only different in color)Meter stickPencilProcedures:Make a paper airplane without wing flap with yellow.

Make a paper airplane with wing flap with Green (same kind, only different in color).

Fly a yellow paper airplane without wing flap and measure the distance with meter stick. (Repeat this four times and record all the distance on the data.)Fly a Green paper airplane with wing flap and measure the distance with meter stick. (Repeat this four times and record all the distance on the data.)Compare the both result of paper airplanes distance and analyze it to see which one went further.

Data:Test the hypothesis:I.V:

Flaps (to add flaps or to not add flaps.)D.V: DistanceControl Method: To fly/test the paper airplanes with wing flaps and without wing flaps in same condition.

Constant: DesignTrials #1234Yellow paper airplane without wing flaps.290 cm215 cm243 cm235 cmGreen paper airplane with wing flaps.260 cm345 cm206 cm318 cmDiscussion Questions:※ just incase I am putting the questions that was on the worksheet for this lab.

Purpose of this lab is to make airplane that will fly the furthest. The problem is that the paper airplane that I have does not have wing flaps. Also the observation is that the real airplane has flaps.

Hypothesis is, “ If my paper airplane gain wing flaps then my paper airplane will go further or furthest”Test the hypothesis:I.V: Flaps (to add flaps or to not add flaps.)D.V: DistanceControl Method: To fly/test the paper airplanes with wing flaps and without wing flaps in same condition.

Constant: DesignIn the DataIn conclusionConclusion:The purpose of this lab is to make the paper airplane that will fly further or the furthest. The problem that I face was that the paper airplane that I have does not have a wing flaps.

To accomplish this task this is what I did. I gathered all the materials that I need order to accomplish this lab, which was the Green and Yellow papers, meter stick and pencil. With (same kind and condition as green paper) Yellow paper I made paper airplane without wing flaps and with Green paper I made paper airplane with wing flaps. First, I test the Yellow airplane, which is without flaps and measure the distance (repeat this four times). Next test the Green paper airplane, which is with wing flaps and measure the distance (repeat this four times). After all the testing compare and analyze the distance measurement of green/yellow paper airplanes to see which one went further.

After having analyzed all the relevant data for this lab, it can be concluded that my hypothesis was right. The Green paper airplane with wing flaps went further then the Yellow paper airplane, which was without wing flaps. It also shows in the data that the distance of paper airplane with wing flaps went further then paper airplane without flaps. What I learned from this lab to study physics is to test the hypothesis, measuring distance and also the fact that the paper airplane with wing flaps goes further then the paper airplane without wing flaps.

This activity will best fit the ESLR, Academic Achiever because I did computer generated work for this lab, the grade that I will get for this lab and also my grade will go higher if I turn this lab in.