Last name 1 The Set-Up name teacher course-code date         Macbeth

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Last name 1 The Set-Up name teacher course-code date Macbeth was a very noble man as well as a very strong warrior. His status in life was very high and he was true to his king. He was a very devoted husband who truly loved his wife. This wonderful life of his was now just a smudge in Macbeth's memory compared to the mess he got into. His life came to a tragic halt after many wrong choices and bad influences. Macbeth's downfall not only ruined him but left a painful scare on all he knew. Many interfered with his countless wrongful acts which just provoked him to do more. Macbeth, Lady Macbeth as well as the 3 witches brought Macbeth to his downfall because they started and encouraged Macbeth's own obsession with the promises the witches made to him and with the establishment and maintenance of his kingship.

In the beginning of the play Macbeth there was a battle in progress which Macbeth was participating in.

On Macbeth and Banquo's way back towards the Kings camp at Forres they stumble upon 3 witches who told them of their prophecies. The witches predicted for Macbeth that he would be the Thane of Glamis, the Thane of Cawdor and than the King, in Act 1, Scene 3. The witches also told Banquo that his son Last name 2 will be King in time and Banquo will be happy. This prediction was the seedling of Macbeth's downfall. Macbeth seemed to be a man of higher intelligence who would pay no attention to the witches let alone their predictions. This time was different though. Macbeth's ambition is power. The witches set him up by using that against him. He was already the Thane of Glamis and than was soon awarded the title of the Thane of Cawdor. This made him dwell upon the witches predicaments and began to think about how to make the last prediction come true. This is where the evil side of Macbeth that we did not see before shine through. With his jealously of Malcolm and his paranoia build up from the witches, it drove him to murder. After murdering Duncan he finally established his kingship. It was not good enough yet. He began thinking of the witches predicaments for Banquo, "Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo"(Act.1, Sc.3, ll67). This worried him so much that if the witches predicaments for Macbeth would come true, than maybe they would pull through for Banquo. From there, he ordered Banqou and his son Fleance to be murdered.

After his plan fell through with only being successful and killing Banquo not Fleance, Macbeth became very insecure and his guilt was there to haunt him. He went back to t he witches to seek more help because he had become so reliant upon their word. They told him to beware Mcduff, Macbeth can only be conquered by a man not born of a woman, and that he will not be conquered until the forest of Birnam comes to Macbeth's castle. This made Macbeth very confident because he thought that their predictions were impossible and didn't believe them. With Macbeth being so confident by the witches Last name3 obscured predictions he did not see his end coming. All the witches second predicaments came true and had tricked Macbeth. The witches influenced Macbeth so much that they made him become a total different person than him true self.

The witches were not the only influences in Macbeth's life that brought him to his end. It was also the work of his wife Lady Macbeth. She was a big part of Macbeth's life and he shared everything with her. After Macbeth was told of the witches first predicaments, he wrote her a letter telling everything to her in Act 1, Scene 5. When Duncan and his people came to stay at Macbeth's castle Macbeth told his wife about his ambition to be King. Lady Macbeth, being as loyal to Macbeth as she can, came up with a plan to kill Duncan so Macbeth could be king. With the help of Lady Macbeth it gave Macbeth the extra push on his way down the wrong path. If Lady Macbeth was not there to make up the plan Macbeth would not have the courage to go through with killing Duncan. Even after that Lady Macbeth challenges Macbeth's manhood into doing more wrongful acts. The more she encouraged Macbeth, the further away Macbeth grew from her. Macbeth had absorbed Lady Macbeth's dark side. This brought him to the point where he did not fear anything and lost his emotions towards sympathy and pain.

Macbeth's downfall can not only be liable on others. It was his own mind that brought him down too. He focused everything on establishing and maintaining his kingship. He even became delirious from fear and guilt. In Act. 2, Scene 1, Macbeth sees Last name 4 a floating dagger that his own mind made up in his head. Also, after sending someone to kill Banquo he sees his ghost in Act 3, Scene 4. "If I stand here, I saw him"(ll74) were the words Macbeth spoke to Lady Macbeth after seeing Banquo's ghost. Through out the play one will notice Macbeth's state of mind becoming in danger. He grows sicker with obsession as the days pass. He eventually starts planning and killing others by himself. His ruthlessness grew and grew as he dwelled on his maintains of his kingship. By the time he realized what he became, it was too late. He caused too much damage to turn back and it was because of his obsessive condition.

In Macbeth's downfall Macbeth himself, Lady Macbeth and the witches all had their own roles in it. The witches were the stepping stones to get Macbeth going. Lady Macbeth was the one who pushed him along to encourage him. Macbeth drove himself to be overwhelmed with greediness than finally brought him to his end. If one of the helpers in Macbeths downfall were no involved, nothing would have happened. Each person was necessary and could not be on its own. One of all humans greatest weaknesses is selfishness. It can get to the best of anyone. Macbeth for instance is a great example. Once one gets too carried away, there may be no turning back. "… and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and than is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and furry, signifying nothing."(Act.5, Sc.5, ll22-28) Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Ed. Roma Gill, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1994.