“Late Geometric Cup” and “Red- Figured Kylix

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The two art works that I have chosen are entitled "Late Geometric Cup" (artist is unknown) and "Red- Figured Kylix" by the Onesimus Painter. Both art works can be found at the J. Paul Getty Museum. These two art works have many differences characteristics in styles. In addition both works also have similarities in styles as well.

The first work "Late Geometric Cup" was done around the time period of 730 B.C. This type of work would be considered as Geometric Art. During the Geometric period vases and other forms of pottery were painted with complex linear decorations. Most art work during this time has designs that are almost entirely covered with a geometric pattern, thus giving the name of this period. Other characteristics of the geometric art are that most images on the figures painted on the vases are flat and two-dimensional with cylinder, square or a triangle used to compose them.

Other abstract patterns were also used at times to form a motif around the border. Most of the images that were designed on the vases depict a narrative story. The "Late Geometric Cup" displays many of these characteristics. The artist used geometric shapes such as a square and triangle. They also displayed flat and two-dimensional designs for the human figures. The "Late Geometric Cup" also used linear design for the vase.

The second work "Red-Figured Kylix" by Onesimus Painter was done around 600-490 B.C. This type of work would be categorized as Archaic. Most Archaic art are characterized with repetition patterns and groups. Archaic art are usually very highly decorative. The images on the vase depict a narrative scene. Most vases during this time period displayed the used of either the black- figure technique (using red clay backgrounds, artists painted black pictures and patterns) or red-figure technique (figures left unpainted, so they appear red) . The Onesimus Painter's "Red-Figured Kylix" displayed many of these characteristics. For instance, the scene on the kylix tells a story from the Trojan War.

The scenes were displayed inside and outside of the kylix. Another characteristic that were used in the art work was the red-figure technique.

Both art works have many differences as well as similarities in characteristic style. The difference in both styles is that the artist during the Archaic period followed set rules when depicting objects and people. Most artists during this period experimented with the human form. They wanted their figure to look more realistic than from the previous art period. The figures from the Archaic period was very different from the Geometric period. The Geometric period had figures that displayed geometic shapes such as a square and triangles to show a human figure, making it look very unrealistic. Another difference is that the Archaic period displayed the black- figure technique and the red-figure technique in its art work, and the Geometric period had no use of these techniques. However, there also some similarities in these two styles, as well. Both the Archaic and Geometric artist were still using pottery and vases such as a kylix and a crater to display their art work. The two styles also displayed a narrative story in its work. Another characteristic is that both styles are characterized with repetition of patterns.

This assignment has taught me great deal about art. Although having already learned about these two styles of art, I realized by having to analyze and look deep into the meaning of the painting, I learned a lot more. Although the time period of these styles of work are not very far apart there are so many differences and similarities.