lets make a promise: u and me, lets just be

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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lets make a promise: u and me, lets just be honest. u and me, nothing can stop us. not even the night that falls all around us...

all the things u said, running thru my head, this is not enuf...

"Too bad u had 2 drift away... i get the feelin i could chase u clean on in to fall, and wind up stayin put off, put down, strung up, and stoned..." -Janis Joplin -- let's make a promise: yOu and me, let's just be hOnest. yOu and me, nOthing can stop us -- " im in serious shit, im totally lost. if i'm askin for help, it is only becuz being with you has opened my eyes. could i ever believe, such a perfect surprise? i keep asking myself, wondering how. i keep closing my eyes but i cant make u out " "Too bad u had 2 drift away...

i get the feelin i could chase u clean on in to fall, and wind up stayin put off , put down, strung out , and stoned..." -Janis Joplin HOw can u say i go about things the wrong way ? YOu dont try at all...

Don't you hide your eyes from me. Open them, and see me now.

we're f-ckin shot .....krissy / flipy / jesta and if we are, so are u I try so hard, why do u look right thru me? Thinking NO, but u cant deny ur feelings. Evry time i see u i cry more. I wanna pull u closer closer closer, but u leave me feeling frozen