To Live in a Third World Country

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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The United States is a wonderful place to live, but there are advantages to living, for a time, in a third world country. An argument could be made that raising children in a third world country would be beneficial . Also, living in a third world country for a year would be a great learning experience for college students. Our society would benefit if more of its citizens took the opportunity and lived outside the Unites States for a short period of time.

After having experienced a sample of what Egypt has to offer, I have come to the conclusion that I prefer to raise my children in Alexandria or Aswan, Egypt as opposed to the United States of America. I tend to gravitate towards people and places that have warm cultures. The Egyptians' hospitality and sense of community impressed me during the short, one month that I was there.

Greeting with kisses on the cheek, ensuring guests are comfortable, and generosity are common themes there and in other "third world" countries as well. I almost think the term "third world" should not have such a negative connotation with the inferiority it brings to mind. The children maintaining bonds with their parents, and the elderly being cared for by family is a definite plus, as is the overall positive aura found in such cultures since that is simply the way things are done. Thus, I have plans to live in Egypt a few months out of the year as well as possibly living in two places I have yet to visit, Turkey and Indonesia. I am assuming I will enjoy my time there since I have enjoyed the company of natives of Turkey and Indonesia and enjoy the languages; English seems to have such a clipped quality that I do not find it amusing in any sense. When the Turkish speak it reminds me of little children speaking and strikes my ears as pleasing. When Turkish mothers called their children, they were nicknamed "kuzoo," which means sheep, and the way Indonesians thank each other is commonly stated as "trima kassi banjak, which has a pretty flow.

One of the greatest learning experiences I ever had was living in a third world country. I lived in Equator, mostly in the cities of Babahoyo and Oriente. While I was there I became good friends with the locals, adults and children alike. I learned about their customs, language, local and national politics, and most interestingly, their viewpoint or thoughts about the United States. Living there and immersing myself in their culture changed the way I viewed my own country. I came to appreciate the things I took for granted: law enforcement, education, health care, plumbing, reliable electricity, the opportunity to choose a career, and the freedom to be and do what I wanted. The longer I stayed in Equador, the more I came to appreciate the United States. This experience, I feel, would be an invaluable learning experience for any college student. Many students take for granted, much like I did, the lifestyle and choices we have here. If students spent some time in other countries, there would be less whining and complaining about this great country we live in and a stronger desire to participate and help the United States stay the best place to live.

Helpful ideas and customs can be learned from living in a third world country. Children being raised outside the United States will benefit from family oriented cultures. Teenagers or young adults will be able to see our country from another's perspective. Great advantages may be had if more Americans took the opportunity to live outside our country for a period of time and adopt some of the values and ideas found in third world countries.