Living With Parents Vs. Living With Out Parents

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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Ariel Bullington Sept. 20, 2001 ENC 1101 Living with parents vs. Living on your own When college time arrives deciding whether or not to live with your parents is an enormous question most college students fear. Immediately two gigantic bubbles appear in a students head they are: living on your own or living with the parents. The choice the student makes before college will mean big differences in freedom and responsibility.

When a student lives with their parents, freedom is a word a student hears only on television. Living with parents is sometimes difficult; especially when a student hears those dreadful words they love to say, " as long as you live in my house"¦!" Parents have rules. A student is required to have a bedtime, because the parents have to get up early in the morning for work. On weekdays a student has a curfew of eleven o'clock p.m.

and on the weekends the curfew is midnight. When living with parents a student may be allowed to have a party once a year or not at all. On the bright side, a student does not have to pay bills. A student always sees their favorite foods magically appear when Mom gets home from the grocery store.

Responsibility is something a student living with parents should have but, it is not required. A student living with parents does not need a job. A student living with parents has two responsibilities; they must do their homework and finish their chores before going anywhere.

A student, who chooses to live on his or her own, gets that lovely word freedom in their head and takes off with it. Now a student can stay up as late as they want. On the weekends there is no curfew, as well as on the weekdays. If a student feels like throwing a party, they can party until they drop. There are no rules in a college student's house; except for the ones he or she makes themselves. A student can go places and not tell anyone where he or she is going.

Now is where the responsibility kicks in. A student has to pay bills. A student has to buy his or her own food. In order to pay bills and buy food the student has to have a job. A student is still responsible for his or her own chores; except for now it is not only the bedroom and the kitchen he or she has to clean up, it is the entire house. A student has no Mom or Dad to remind them that a paper is due tomorrow. A student has to help him or herself when living on their own.

A student that decides to live on their own faces extreme responsibilities and lots of freedom, more than they would have if they chose to live with their parents. When college time rolls around a student has a choice; living on their own or living with parents. When it comes time for college don't be scared to make that choice, everyone does in the long run.