Lord Of The Flies

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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Jack's Changes Jack starts off in the novel as a well mannered British choir boy. On the island he is confronted with many hardships and trials that he must overcome, and this is where his animalistic instincts take over. In "The Lord of the Flies", William Golding shows jack as a character who undergoes many changes throughout the story.

One thing about Jack that changes is his idea of killing. For example, Jack's first impression of killing is shown when he states, " "˜Next time"(Golding 31). Here he passes up his chance to kill something. This shows that he is not yet comfortable with the shedding of blood. Furthermore, after jack's first chance to kill his feeling about it change when he states, " "˜We want meat"(Golding 51). Here Jack is showing that he is now comfortable with the fact that he will have to kill a pig to get meat.

This is showing his desire to kill. In addition, Jack's feelings change again towards the end when he says, " "˜Look" referring to the blood on his hands (Golding135). Now that he is a savage the sight of blood does not bother him anymore. His savagery has taken over his civilized way of thinking and corrupted his mind. Throughout the novel Jack's feelings about killing change from not being able to beer the site of blood, to taking pleasure in seeing it.

Another change Jack goes through is his loss of identity. For example, the first sign Jack shows is when he says, " "˜Like things trying to look like something else"(Golding 63). Here Jack is explaining what the purpose of face paint is to Roger. This is a perfect example of his loss of identity, trying to look like something else. In addition, Jack also shows how he feels about his features when Golding states, " "˜He peered at his reflection and disliked it"(63). This is showing that Jack wants to look totally different than what his human appearance is. This is also a sign of Jacks growing savagery. Furthermore, Jack has totally lost his old identity when Golding says, " "˜Jack, Painted and garlanded, sat like an idol"(149). In this part of the story Jack never takes his paint off because his boyhood identity has been shattered by the island. He has become a painted chief and is an idol figure to the other boys. His former identity has disappeared with his cloths and so has his sanity.

One other change he goes through is becoming the chief of an anarchy tribe of savages. For example, their savagery is shown when the tribe chants, " "˜Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!"(Golding152). Their savagery is clearly shown through the expression of these words. Also, the fact that they want to spill blood is a crime in the civilized world and is therefore anarchy. In addition, Jack's leadership is shown when he states, " "˜We'll hunt. I'm going to be the chief."(Golding133). This statement is a very good example of Jack steping into the leader role of the anarchist tribe. The obsession of hunting comes with their obsession of spilling blood as shown here. Furthermore, Jack shows another evolution of throwing his spear when Golding states, "Viciously, with full intention, he hurled his spear at Ralph."(181). This statement has shown the evolution of throwing spears at pigs to human beings. Jack is now completely turned from the laws of man and taken on the anarchy of his instincts. Jack's role in end of the story has made a significant change from the old Jack we see at the beginning of the novel.

Once upon a time there was this dog and he was very high. he was high because his brother smoked alot of weed and got him high. then he ran away from home and got lost beause he was to fucked up to remember his way back home. i think a trucker hit him about half an hour later it probably sucked