Lord Of The Flies

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade November 2001

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In the Lord of the Flies, Jack, the leader of the hunters, is the main villain. His violent, immature actions show the vicious nature in people that can be released in a hostile situation. Jack's hunger for power and respect from the boys causes him to act with violence, immaturity, and cruelty, which show the savageness that has overcome him and his complete personality.

Jack not only has a vile attitude and demeanor, but he is very physically violent as well. For example, when Piggy yells at him for letting the fire go out Jack "stuck his fist into Piggy's stomach"� (Golding 71). This shows that he lets his turbulent temper get the best of him in a very violent manner. This is because, deep down, he has become savage and very villainous. In addition, Jack begins the terrible, horrifying "kill the beast, cut his throat, spill his blood"� chant (Golding 174).

This shows that he likes violence, blood, and carnage. As a result, he becomes obsessed and fixated with hunting and killing. It is apparent that Jack is violent and cruel toward the boys and the pigs, which are two very villainous traits.

Jack gets a kick out of being cruel and immature toward the other boys on the island. For example, he takes Piggy's glasses and mimics his whine and scramble "just you wait-yah!"� (Golding 72). This shows that he likes to tease others for fun and is very mean to the boys. As a result, most of the boys see Jack's villainous, savage side all because he thinks it is amusing and enjoyable. In addition, "Sam and Eric are all tied up as Jack beats them for joining his tribe"� (Golding 207). This shows that he is so childish toward the boys that he responds in violence. This is because Jack is so power hungry that he has to prove it to the others that he is their leader in order to gain their respect. It is clearly shown that Jack is so immature and villainous that he resorts to teasing and violence to gain petty respect from the other boys on the island.

As it is obviously proven, Jack is a very violent, villainous, and juvenile character in Golding's, Lord of the Flies. Jack commits mean, cruel, and hurtful acts towards Piggy and the other boys just because he demands and needs authority, respect, and esteem. These examples and illustrations display the villain that is truly Jack. Although Jack is the perfect antagonist in the novel, and is a hated character, he brings out the theme of power and survival, which is crucial in order to depict Golding's true message.