"Lord Of The Flies"

Essay by danzHigh School, 10th gradeA, April 2006

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In the following passages, we are exposed to the efforts of Ralph to diminish the segregation of the boys, whilst still being in the presence of evil. The skull of the beast is a symbol of the strong innate evil that still exists on the island amongst the boys and how it patronises Ralph in particular. We are also exposed to the complete loss of social expectations and behavioral manners when we see the deliberate killing of their own tribe, Piggy.

In this passage, we see the control that the skull possesses and how it 'gets under' the skin of Ralph by patronizing him. We as the reader are provided with a sense of the skull being alive by Golding as he depicts it 'grinning its teeth' as Ralph, as if implying its sense of control on the island as it represents evil. The technique of the skull 'grinning' conveys the impression to the reader that the skull is mocking Ralph and the repetition Golding uses places more emphasis on the sinister, alive and mocking effect the skull expresses onto Ralph.

In the sentence, 'bobbed like a toy and came back,' we see the efforts of Ralph as he attempts to dispose of the evil but it 'plays' with him and just like a bobbing toy, it will always come back, implying that he cannot dispose of the innate evil.

Ralph's efforts to re-unite the tribe and diminish all segregation on the island is seen in the following,

'Might it not be possible to walk boldly into the fort, say-"I've got pax," laugh lightly and sleep among the others? Pretend they were still boys, schoolboys who had said "Sir, yes, Sir" - and worn caps?

This little passage symbolises how Ralph is now alone and is the only person on the island that still holds onto social expectations. This passage is also ironic as at the beginning of the text, the tribe, altogether as ONE group, held meetings and discussed rules and regulations they should uphold, and these were agreed on by everyone, including the leader of the savage tribe, Jack. The word use by Golding is also interesting as he depicts them as boys, schoolboys, which they are, but is also significant as it displays the innocence that these children still have, and how it would be hard to believe that children as young as 8, can behave in such a savage and evil manner as Jack's tribe continue to do so.

Ralph is seen as being alone and by himself in the sentence, 'He knelt among the shadows and felt his isolation bitterly.' This gives the reader an insight onto how isolated Ralph feels as he is the only one now holding onto social expectations. He is purely the last representative of society on the island. The struggle he faces to overcome the savagery of Jack's tribe is an example of how society can be easily demolished, if rules and regulations, and a general sense of knowing right from wrong, is depleted. This is also seen later on in the passage where he is describe as being an 'outcast' as he 'lies in the darkness.' We also confirm the integrity of Ralph as he realises why he has been isolated from the group in the sentence, 'Cos I had some sense.' This shows how Ralph is aware of the reason to why segregation has come about on the island, and that the sense of reason has been lost amongst the other boys on the island, Jack's tribe. He realise that holding onto social expectations is more important, and keep to these values and upholds them, without converting and allowing his innate evil 'control' him and take over.

In the passage, we are exposed to the reason why segregation has taken place on the island, and what is keeping Ralph and Jack's group segregated; and that is their morals, values and senses of reason. We are given a glimpse of the ever-ruling evil that exists on the island and inside all the boys by the presence of the beast's skull, and how sinister images are created to place emphasis on the importance it imposes onto the text as a whole, including the passage of Ralph's struggle to look after himself.