MacArthur Should Have Been Fired

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Joe Bulis The Korean War wasn't even a true war. Congress never declared war the soldiers were over there because the President wanted to help them out and we wanted to put a stop to communism. The whole reason we created and joined NATO was because we wanted to help the spread of democracy. President Johnson wanted to make sure that a domino effect wasn't started with China falling then Korea then who knows whom else. The whole world was scared that communism was going to take over.

MacArthur was a good solider who went to and graduated from West point. (A and M production 50 min General MacArthurs Biography video cassette) MacArthur said, "There is no substitute for victory." (Patterson, Amy and Schamel, Wyneil and Potter, Lee Ann, 444) MacArthur loved was he was all about invading North Korea and China. (Brewster, Todd and Jennings, Peter 318) MacArthur believed that China deserved to get beat up on because they were helping the North Koreans.

(Garner, Joe 33) MacArthur wanted to rid Asia of Communism and he didn't really care how he went about doing it. (Patterson, Amy and Schamel, Wyneil and Potter, Lee Ann, 446) He wanted to destroy communism so bad that he was trying to get us to send a nuclear bomb to China. (Patterson, Amy and Schamel, Wyneil and Potter, Lee Ann, 442) MacArthur would do anything to get rid of communism in Asia; he wanted to start a war. (A and M production 50 min General MacArthurs Biography video cassette) Truman believed that starting a total war with Korea would bring in China and then the Soviet Union. (Patterson, Amy and Schamel, Wyneil and Potter, Lee Ann, 444) Truman fired MacArthur because, "He is unable to give his whole hearted support to the policies of the U.S. Government and of the UN in matters pertaining to his official duties." (Patterson, Amy and Schamel, Wyneil and Potter, Lee Ann, 445) MacArthur disobeyed Truman's direct orders. (A and M production 50 min General MacArthurs Biography video cassette) Truman only wanted to fight to resist the aggression in korea and not start there own aggression to create a war. (, 3) See Macarthur wanted to start a war and that is also a reason President Truman fired him. (A and M production 50 min General MacArthurs Biography video cassette) The Secretary of Defense, General Marshall, advised President Truman that he should have fired MacArthur two Years ago. (Colbert, David., ed, 1) General MacArthur completely deserved to be fired. "In the opinion of the Joint Chiefs, MacArthur's strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy."-General Omar Bradley. ("1950-1960." Time Life Books. Vol 6. 1) "If MacArthur had his was, not one Asian would believe the US has a civilian government."-Socialist Norman Thomas. ("1950-1960." Time Life Books. Vol 6. 1) So Trumans decision to fire MacArthur was a sound and a just decision. If the General had is way we might have had World War Three.