Maple Leaf Route

Essay by SingingBearHigh School, 10th gradeA+, October 2009

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The Maple Leaf Route was an important component to Canadian History. Though not too many Canadians know what this route was. Based on its importance to Canadian history it would rank nine out of ten. This pivotal route in France affected Canada as a whole.

The Maple Leaf Route was the route the Canadians took on D-Day after landing on Juno Beach in Normandy on June 6th, 1944. This route led them to liberating France. On their way to the middle of France, Canadians liberated towns such as Caen and Falaise. There was stubborn resistance from the Germans that took the Canadian infantry lots of effort to get through. For example at Caen, which began on July 4th, 1944 as Canadian regiments (the North Shore Regiment, the Queen's Own Rifles, the Régiment de la Chaudière and the Royal Winnipeg Rifle) fought victoriously even as their fellow soldiers fell. However on July 7th, 1944, heavy bombers dropped 2,561 tonnes of bombs on the city causing the Germans to give order to evacuate Caen on July 9th.

Similar battles followed as the Canadians pushed their way into liberating France and other towns in Holland.

On a scale of one to ten on the importance of the Maple Leaf Route to Canada as a whole, I ranked it ninth. Though D-day was important to Canadians and its Allies, it took much more than just one battle to win the war. Also, the Maple Leaf Route did not affect Canada directly aside from giving Canadians a sense of pride. However, it was important to the outcome of the war nonetheless. Because Normandy and liberating France was important to the allies’ success, the Maple Leaf Route is ranked high. Due to the allies’ win in the war, our society today is democratic. All in all, the effort Canadian infantries put into liberating France and Holland through the Maple Leaf Route, led to the success of the allies which provided us with the democratic society we have today.

In conclusion, the Maple Leaf Route was an important historical event on Canadian history. The success of Canadians liberating Europe through this route during WWII will forever label Canada as a hero to many of these countries.

Bibliography (For the MAPLE LEAF ROUTE only)Copp, Terry and Robert Vogel. Maple Leaf Route: Caen. Ontario: Maple Leaf Route, 1983.

Copp, Terry and Robert Vogel. Maple Leaf Route: Falaise. Ontario: Maple Leaf Route, 1983.

Juno Beach Centre. The Normandy Campaign. April 28, 2009