
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Introduction Today's literature has shown the long-winded and challenging process of maturation. This process of finding one's true self is often found through conflicts between themselves and others around them. They grow to triumph the overriding force of selfishness, and to gain self-control at the end of their path to maturity. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and The Magician's Nephew, the contrast between the maturation of Edmund and the lack of maturation of Uncle Andrew shows the importance of overcoming one's selfishness instead of simply giving into it.

Edmund, an ambiguous character; is the brother of Susan , Lucy and Peter Pevensie. He is seen as an impetuous character in the beginning of the novel The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe. When he is brought to the world in the Wardrobe, he finds himself meeting the Witch of this unknown country. The Witch finds out that Edmund and his siblings are to be the rulers of the world.

She offers Edmund Turkish Delight in return for his brother and sisters. Edmund addicted to the Turkish Delight agrees to what she asks of him. The Witch says: "Son of Adam, I should so much like to see your brother and your two sisters. Will you bring them to me?" "I'll try," said Edmund looking at the empty box. (pg.40) Edmund who is now captivated by the Turkish Delight decides to sacrifice his brother and sisters for the dessert. He doesn't realize what he has just agreed to do. In addition to his impetuous characteristic, Edmund is also selfish and an inconsiderate brat. Being the third oldest of the four, Edmund likes the fact that he has authority over Lucy, the youngest of them all and uses this to his advantage. Lucy, the first to discover the world in the wardrobe, takes Edmund to see that what she is saying is all true. After showing Edmund what she had depicted to all of her siblings, of what she believes to be another world, Lucy now has Edmund to support her discovery. Edmund, annoyed with Lucy for being right, doesn't want to tell the others that it was all true, so he tells them: "Oh, yes. Lucy and I have been playing--pretending that all her story about a country in the wardrobe is true. Just for fun, of course. There's nothing there really." (pg. 46) This quotation indicates that Edmund truly enjoys teasing his sister Lucy, and likes the feeling of superiority, even though he and Lucy are one year apart. The enchanting Turkish Delight seemed to have seduced Edmund again. The magical candy caused an insatiable greed for more in the unfortunate eater. Edmund fixates on the candy to an excessive degree, and finds himself corrupted by the desire for power and the promise of the witch. Edmund, wanting nothing but the Turkish Delights reveals the whereabouts of Aslan, to the Witch.

" Edmund proceeded to tell her all he had heard before leaving the Beaver's house." (pg.94) As a result of his selfishness, Edmund puts the lives of his brother and sisters at risk. Although Edmund does indeed go amiss, he is human, and therefore can redeem himself.

Despite the incontrolable urges, Edmunds character transforms, and he begins to overcome his selfishness. The first change in his character is when the Witch turned all the innocent animals to stone. Edmund actually felt remorse for the animals and began to realize that the Witch is indeed a cruel and power crazed person.

...Edmund for the first time in this story felt sorry for someone besides himself. (pg. 109) Edmund then begins to see things clearly after his discussion with Aslan, a powerful figure in the novel, he is a lion. After their long conversation, Edmund realizes how family is important, and that the Witch just wanted to hurt everyone. Edmund's character then begins to seem fair-minded, and this is when his transformation takes a turn. He then apologizes to his siblings by shaking each one of their hands.

...Edmund shook hands with each of the others and said to each of them in turn, " I'm sorry," (pg. 128) Above all, it is not until Edmund stands up for himself and his brothers, in battle to slay the Witch that he shows his complete transformation and true mettle. Peter explains to Aslan and the others how Edmund fought, and evidently ( ironically) sacrificed himself.

" It was all Edmunds doing, Aslan, " Peter was saying, "We'd have been beaten if it hadn't been for him." " He was terribly wounded." This change took tremendous force of will and courage, and it shows how it was up to Edmund to redeem himself in order to find his true self. Edmund did indeed overcome his selfishness, and got the best from it.

On the other hand, Uncle Andrew, from the novel, The Magicians Nephew, is found to be a selfish old man, who does not wish to put his own life in danger, while experimenting with his own discoveries, but rather risk the lives of innocent children. He admits this in the following: "I wanted two children. You see, I'm in the middle of a great experiment. I've tried it on a guinea pig and it seemed to work.

But then a guinea-pig can't tell you anything," (pg. 19) Uncle Andrew is experimenting with his rings, which transport people into another world. The Gold ring is the ring that brings them to the new world, and the green ring brings them back. Uncle Andrew aquired these rings, from his godmother. Before she passed away she asked him to burn the box, unopened. Uncle Andrew, ignored her, and being the selfish person that he is he kept it and opened it. He says: "She gave it to me and made me promise that as soon as she was dead I would burn it, unopened, with certain ceremonies. That promise I did not keep." (pg. 23) Not only is he a selfish man, but he is also a liar. He made a promise, and in the end he did not keep his word.. Uncle Andrew is a weak man when it comes to woman. When he wishes to impress a certain lady, he is unable to maintain his dignity. Uncle Andrew meets the Witch when traveling to the other world with Diggory his nephew. while searching for Polly; Diggory's playmate they meet the witch, a tall ( explain what she looks like here) Uncle Andrew falls head over heals for here and like a fool he does whatever the Witch tells him to, even when she constantly insults him.

" I see what you are. You are a little, peddling Magician who works by rules and books. There is no real magic in your blood and heart. your kind was made in end of in my world...

But here you shall be my servant." Uncle Andrew replies, " I should be most happy-delighted to be of any service-a p- pleasure, I assure you." (pg.70) Uncle Andrew is blinded by what he thinks to be, love, and even worse he believes the witch will fall in love with him also. Uncle Andrew is very foolish, and does not see what is so obvious. The Witch does not love him, or like him at all, she is just using him to get what she wants.

... You see the foolish man was actually beginning to imagine the witch would fall in love with him... But he was, in any case, as vain as a peacock; that was why he became a Magician.;