Memory Turmoil

Essay by VchinHigh School, 12th gradeA-, September 2008

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The trauma pill could help people with traumatic thoughts. They could experience less of the hardship if they take the pill. Even so, the trauma pill is proven to be ineffective. Our memory consists of thoughts and these thoughts cannot just be rid of. Also the trauma pill has only been tested on some people after traumatic events. It has not been tested on most of the people. Maybe the people who experience less painful memories after they have taken the pill shows that is just how their mind works. And their mind is not similar to most of the other people. The trauma pill could have side effects the scientists have not discovered in the pill yet. They have not been working on the pill for a long amount of time already. Overall, the trauma pill has fewer pros than cons.

Our memory has its duties it needs to process no matter what.

That is just the way our memory works for us. The pill does not put a gap in a specific part of our memory. Our memory keeps all information good or bad in our mind. It can not just keep the good information and rid of the bad ones. Even after the pill is taken, the effects are only temporary. Our memory recovers eventually over time. For example, it's like a cut on our skin forms a scab and then grows new skin. Memory can not be erased but can be restored.

It is not certain if the trauma pill truly prevents PSTD. Coincidentally, there is not much of a difference between people who has taken propranolol than the people that did not take any treatments at all. It could have been possible that is just the way our body reacted at that time. Our body does not stay constant for a long period of time. These treatments prevent our memory's accessibility. It could prevent us from remember the tiniest and some of the most common sense things. This shows these treatments are not worth it taking, because the side effects could be unhelpful to our memories.

There is small percentage of all trauma victims that would actually benefit from the pill; it does not help every single trauma victim. Soldiers have a less chance of survival if it is taken, because it messes with their survival instincts. For example, they would not have a quick reflex after a bomb is thrown near them. The soldiers could possibly not run away from it fast enough.

Also the drug is not proven to have lasting benefits. More than three-quarters of trauma victims do not have long-term problems, so they do not need medication. Since it is a three to four ratio favoring the trauma victims without long-term problems, then over-treatment could be a problem.

The trauma pill has its pros but the cons overrule the pros. The treatment could definitely help victims get through their most painful memories easier. But the pill is proven to be ineffective through many reasons including the lasting effects. The trauma pill is not helpful to most of the victims because most do not have long-term problems. It would only be treating the victims with long-term problems, but the victims are lacking enough. Also it is not shown if the pill truly prevents PTSD. Our memory is very versatile tool and it can not be stopped from its job just from a pill. Even if the trauma pill goes into effect, our memory will recover over time eventually. Then the victims will still experience the full intensity of the traumatic experience. The trauma pill is not worth it taking even though it could possibly help for a short period of time, considering the side effects and unpromising effects.

"Trauma Pill Effects." Vex Brain Functions Nov 2002: 5"Head Reactions." Sullen Weekly Oct. 2003: 55-60