The Metamorphosis Response Looking at pages 54-58 (the ending) comment on the effectiveness of how Kafka ends his story.

Essay by torontoIBstudentHigh School, 11th gradeA-, July 2005

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        Kafka's The Metamorphosis had a very effective ending because the final four pages, although seeming to be of no importance, serve to show the reader how the Sama family changes as a result of the main character's, Gregor Samsa's, death. Firstly, there is a common change among the family members: their new willingness to do things independently. Prior to Gregor's death, the family relied completely on Gregor's financial support and had little in terms of responsibilities. However, at the end of the book, we learn that each, Mr. Samsa, Mrs. Samsa and Grete take the initiative to write their employers, letters of excuses, and prove that they are no longer dependent on Gregor. Secondly, when Mr. Samsa announces that he will fire the cleaning lady, he demonstrates even more, that he has changed and can take responsibilities. Furthermore, Grete and Mrs. Samsa show that they changed by not contesting Mr.

Samsa's decision to fire the cleaning lady. In retrospect, firing the cleaning lady is an additional step towards change from the past. All in all, the last four pages of Kafka's novel, which are a very part of the story, demonstrate the change from being completely depending on Gregor and the mental and physical changes made by Grete, all of which were provoke by Gregor's death. In conclusion, the end of the novel, perhaps, is instead, a beginning to a new metamorphosis, which the rest of the family, as a whole, experiences.