The Mill On The Floss

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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What is the problem the main character is facing and how is it resolved? Would you have solved the problem differently? The main character in the story is tom. Tom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Tulliver and has a sister called Maggie. The Tulliver's lived in a big house but they didn't have lots of money. Mr. Tulliver took loans and worked very hard to support his family, but it wasn't enough. The loaners took his house and forced the family to move to a smaller house. Tom was getting education in a very good and expensive privet school and started to work in the bank. He swore he would buy the house back and bring the lost honor to his family. Mr. Tulliver didn't feel well and couldn't work, so Mrs. Tulliver had to sell all her treasures to survive. It was a hard time for them and the only income came from Tom.

Tom learned his profession very fast and got a promotion and a raise. One day Tom got home earlier and told his father that he got the money for the house. Tom invested his money the best way he could and brought all the required money for the lost house. His father was so proud of him. After 10 years they could move back to their house. A week later Mr. Tulliver passed away in his house (where he wanted).

When they wanted the house back it was a very big problem but Tom succeeded managing with it. Tom went for all the marbels and I think I would have acted the same way. Tom didn't want to let down his father and family and did everything he could to earn the money. I admire Toms determination and brilient mind.