
Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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MJ visits Motown Fans in Detroit got what they wanted. After originally saying he would be better off working on conditioning than playing Oct. 11 against the Pistons, Michael Jordan changed his mind, saying he didn't want to disappoint fans who bought tickets to the games. They weren't disappointed. Welcomed with a huge, warm ovation in the first game of his comeback, Jordan gave the sellout crowd a taste of greatness as Detroit beat Washington 95-85. Jordan played 17 minutes -- all in the first half. His line: eight points, three rebounds, two turnovers, a steal and a block.

Rebreca sidelined Rick Carlisle desperately wants to see center Zeljko Rebraca play. But a hamstring pull has sidelined the 6-foot-11, 198-pound Rebraca since Oct. 4. "It's hurting a lot. It's hurting us a lot," Carlisle told the Detroit Free Press on Oct. 6. "I don't know how he's possibly going to catch up, but he has to.

One of the things we have talked about as a team is the importance of practicing on a consistent basis. If you're injured, you're injured. You've got to miss. If you're not injured. . . . " A day later, Carlisle said he was not questioning whether Rebraca was really hurt because of the therapy Arnie Kander, the team's strength and conditioning coach, was putting the Yugolsav through. "I know the guy is hurt because if he wasn't hurt he'd be in practice because the things Arnie (Kander) is doing to him during practice look a lot harder than what we're doing during practice." Barry, Barry shocked Barry Jon Barry already has played for five different NBA teams. Still, when the Kings traded him to the Pistons for Mateen Cleaves on Sept. 7, Barry was shocked. "It felt like somebody died in our family for the weekend," he told the Detroit Free Press as Pistons' training camp opened Oct. 2 at the Palace in Auburn Hills. "It was a very special place out there in Sacramento. My wife really enjoyed it. I was very close to my mother (who lives 90 miles from Sacramento). She got to see her grandkids all the time." Barry, an energizer off the Kings' bench, wanted more playing time and he might find it with the Pistons. His outside shooting touch (36.2-percent accuracy from three-point range) might help break up the NBA's newly-legal zone defenses. "With the new rules it's going to put a premium on people who can shoot the ball," Barry said. "You have a guy like Jerry Stackhouse, who's going to demand double-teams and the defense's attention. If he's kicking the ball out he has got to kick it to guys who can shoot." Offseason Spotlight: New engine for 'Stones' ESPN.com's Power Rankings: Pistons at No. 24