Montreal Massacre

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate September 2001

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Montreal Massacre On the cold morning of Dec. 6th, 1989, at the quiet building of Ecole Polytechnique Engineering school at the Universite de Montreal, a young man named Marc Lepine walked calmly to one of the classrooms of the Universite with a semi-automatic rifle under his arm and ordered all the male students to leave the room. He then opned fired at the women , yelling over the rapid shots that they were feminists. After blood soaked the carpets and the women lay, six dead and the others severly injured, he ceased his fire for a few minutes and continued just as calmly down the hall to claim many more victims. At a final point, when 14 women were dead and another 12 people injured, including 2 men, he turned the gun on himself, leaving a horror that has struck history as the worst single day mass murder in Canada.

Many questions were immediatly to be answeared, but most importantly was "Why?". Soon after the crime scene was investigated, a suicide note was found that held content of pure blame to women ( feminists in-particular ) for his failure at programs at mulitple post-secondary institutes, rejection of application to the Canadian Forces, and a final rejection to the institute itself. During the investigation, police were surprised to come across a clean record, no accounts of crime at all. But what they did find led to a burdening answear. Lepine's father had been a violent man, repeadetdly beating Marc and his mother.After enduring many years of the savage beating, Marc found aggresion to be a way of dealing with his problems.Unfortunitly, his way of dealing led to the death of many innocent women.

Along with making a deep wound in Canada's history, the Montreal Massacre, with the influence of previous student of the institute, Heidi Rathjen, severly influenced the pass of Justice Minister Alan Rock's legeslation in 1995, which included provisions for the licensing and regestration of fire arms. Today, the Provincial and Federal Goverment's long-term goals are to bring about a change in social attitudes resulting in zero tolerance against the violence directed towards women and children.Their acknowledgment to behavioural change is to put an end to this violence.