The Mustached Mystique

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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“The Mustached Mystique”         Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Brandon. Now Brandon was just like every other boy. He had a best friend named Jose. They both loved playing Commando in the bushes with water guns. Jose lived in a small apartment building, but nevertheless, Brandon loved going to visit. The reason for this was because Jose had a very mysterious neighbor that lived in the very next apartment, number 421. Brandon and Jose spent endless hours trying to figure out who exactly lived in that apartment, since no one had ever actually seen that person. When it came time to pay the rent, the enigmatic person, always slipped the money under the door.

        Brandon and Jose imagined what the mysterious person living in 421 looked like and why he or she never came out. Brandon believed it was because the person was hideously ugly and was too embarrassed to go out in public.

Jose’s theory was that the person was a vampire and slept all day, but came out only at night when everyone else was asleep. Both friends frequently argued about who was right, and it left them distraught, so one day they decided to find out the truth.

        Both friends went to apartment 421 and knocked upon the door. They were in hopes of getting a warm welcome. But instead they were caught by a “Mustached Mystique.” Brandon and Jose screamed with fear. They tried to run, but they couldn’t move. The “Mustached Mystique” was horrific. It was just a blue face with a big, bushy mustache…it had no body, just a floating head! The “Mustached Mystique” took the two friends, sat them on an old beat up couch, and shined a light between their eyes. He said, “Why are you here? What’s the catch? Why not explain in clear? Why are you peaking around?!” But Brandon and Jose remained motionless, until Jose managed to explain that they were just curious to know who he was.

        The “Mustached Mystique” warned the kids to tell no one of what they saw or else something horrible would happen to them. The two kids immediately agreed and went running all the way to Brandon’s house as fast as they could. Both Brandon and Jose wished they could of just kept to their own. From that day forward, Brandon and Jose kept away from apartment 421, and never told a soul of what they witnessed that day.
