My poem-Edie's hill

Essay by SubtractionMiddle School, 6th grade May 2005

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Edie's is a special place,

I'd like to lie down to have a gaze,

The ground was full of grass and weeds,

It was comfortable but very weird.

I'd like to look up at the sky,

But the sky was shining in my eye.

The insects were buzzing very loud,

While birds were flying all around,

All was quiet up the bushy hill,

Mr Tooth who brought us up until,

We got a nice feeling,

It was very appealing.

He brought us and went back down,

And one of the boys were being a clown,

Cause everyone was really sad,

And people were being very bad,

The view from the top unleashes your feelings,

And it was incredibly relaxing,

There were hardily any pests,

But I just know that Edie's hill is the BEST!