My Role Model

Essay by rehab__High School, 12th grade February 2006

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I have wanted to become a teacher for as long as I can remember. It is for this reason that my role model is a teacher - and not just any teacher, my Introduction to Education teacher, Sue Morris. I have been in Mrs. Morris' class for one year now, but in that short amount of time she has not only taught me how to become a successful and effective teacher, but she has also instilled in me the value of hard word and dedication. I am confident that when I leave her classroom this spring, I will be ready to face any and all challenges that come my way.

Mrs. Morris is one of the few people I consider to be a truly great teacher. She is not only patient and understanding, but she also strives to engage all students in classroom discussions. It's amazing to be in her class, because most of the time I'm having so much fun that I don't even realize I'm learning.

She also effectively combines key concepts with fun and interesting activities to create a learning environment that even the most apathetic student would have trouble ignoring. Furthermore, Mrs. Morris is knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects that is obviously derived from her dedication to bettering herself.

Mrs. Morris is exactly the kind of person I hope to become in the future. Her charisma and energy are apparent in everything she does. By choosing to model myself after her, I know I will become the type of teacher that cares about students and their interests.