Nectar In The Sieve

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade May 2001

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Effects of the Tannery on the Village         When the tannery was built, many good effects could come from it, but at the same time, many bad effects could happen. I will list both several good and bad effects to give you an idea on how the two were very close.

        The factory brought many good things to the village. One of these good things was jobs. The tannery could employ many people. The jobs gave the people something to do. Another good thing was that the tannery raised the village's income. It gave the village and the people money to spend so they could have better lives. With the tannery there, the village was producing something in mass quantities and eventually the people working got very skilled at it. They produced items fast, efficiently and well done. This made the village a little better known and gave it a little more respect from other villages because of it's exporting of goods.

The village had something it could be known for by cities far away. The last thing that I am pointing out is that in the tannery, work could be done many times faster than if it was done by hand. They could do twice as much in a day.

        Although the tannery had its good points, it had a bad side to it as well. To start their land got polluted from the exhaust and chemicals that the plant used in the tanning process that the factory made as a byproduct of working. This made farming more difficult with polluted soil. Another bad point is that during this time child labor was acceptable, and with a factory in the village, the children were put to work. They wanted the production rate to be high so they hired children to work for very little or no pay in bad conditions. That brings up another bad point. The factory wasn't as safe. People could have been easily hurt or even die from working in a factory without the safety technology we have today. When factories were built, people stopped doing the dork by hand, which was basically part of their culture. Factories make you forget about doing things by hand because it is easier to have something done by a factory. When factories are built, they take up a lot of space. This land used to be used for farming and animals used to live there. Factories also consume energy to run. The energy to run factories like this one comes from close by. Thousands of animals could have been out of a home to power this tannery.

        Although there were many advantages to this factory, the disadvantages were greater in my eyes. Personally I think the village could have done just fine, if not, better with out the tannery there.