Essay by mykimhsB+, February 2008

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Transplant God's blessing Negro in the kitchen these are kinds of my reactions through some booksBefore I was born in South Korea, my grandparents’ family had lived in a rural area for over 40 years. They lived in poverty with their children. They only knew how to farm and did not have any electronic equipment. That means they cultivated some crops by hand.

In 1970s, they got a religion which was known as heresy in Korea. There were Christians, Buddhists and Catholicizes so on. Actually, the Christians in Korea criticized all of the religions except their own religion. Nevertheless, my grandparents believed in the religion which is known as Moonies in the U.S. now. My grandparents educated their children in the church where they could learn the belief from Rev. Moon, the founder of the religion. My grandparents would have become ministers, if they had realized the belief earlier than that time.

In 1980s, they moved to the capital, Seoul, to get a better life.

My father is the first-born son in their family. Therefore, he acted on his own responsibility as the first-born son. When my father moved to Seoul, getting a job was not easy for my father because he did not know anyone who lived in Seoul. So my grand father tried to find a way for him to get a job. Whenever my grandparents got trouble that started , they went to church to pray to God together. One week later, my father got a job for serving the religion that managed some company such as resorts, hotels and factories. My grandmother always says it was not luck, not even a coincidence; it was God’s blessing.

So far our family has believed and prayed in the religion. As my father inherited that my grandparents did in the religion, my father met a woman who is my mother now and in the same religion. They got married with God’s blessing. If my grandparents had not believed in the religion, nobody would know how they had lived so far. I always thank God and Rev. Moon.

Since Thurmond had explicitly supported racial segregation in the presidential campaign to which Lott referred, this statement was widely interpreted to mean that Lott also supported racial segregation. Lott had attracted controversy before in issues relating to civil rights. As a Congressman, he voted against renewal of the Voting Rights Act and opposed the Martin Luther King Holiday. Lott also maintained an affilation with the Council of Conservative Citizens, which is described as a hate group by the ADL, NAACP and SPLC.