Neo Tech

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Imagine two separate but equal worlds that exist parallel to each other. One of those worlds is a world that contains a path that will lead to happiness, "infinite riches", and prosperity. The other is a degenerating world of irrationality and inefficiency as the result of mysticism. This world is the center of neocheating and is engaged in a war with the former celestial fictional body. Yet, these two worlds will never meet. They exist on the neutral grounds of our minds, and are expressed through disillusion and beliefs known as the Neo-Tech Discovery.

                Neo-Tech has the belief that mysticism of all sorts (including religion) should be abolished. Mysticism, by definition, is a belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension that are central to being and directly accessible by subjective experience or God. However, Neo-Tech followers would tell you that mysticism is any attempt to alter or avoid reality.

Moreover, they would describe it as the creation of unnecessary problems, and ostracizing it would bring an end to most, if not all, of the problems of the world.

                Both figuratively and literally, Neo-Tech is a series of steps integrated with beliefs to create values and goals which are necessary to ascertain long-term happiness. It creates incentive for one to think with the aspects of free-integrated-honesty. The future of Neo-Tech mandates a world where man is his own boss, and is Umbo Singularis- "the Alpha and the Omega." Which is how Christ himself had been referred to, but Neo-Tech followers denounce his teachings and that of the bible while simultaneously labeling him a master neocheater along with Pope John Paul and Plato.

                Neocheaters are parasital elites who, through force and fraud, have entrapped for 2,500 years, the world in an anticivilization. Neocheating comprises hidden criminal techniques discovered and used by philandering, and vote buying (The War of Two Worlds, 1). Plato is considered the ultimate neocheater and the creator of the criminal mind. Because of his philosophies which conflict with Neo-Tech Beliefs, his system of rationalizing situations which default to laziness is viewed as the immoral concepts which correlate with altruism, sacrifice, and subordination to higher authorities.

                Immediately contrasting from Plato is Aristotle. Aristotle is praised by Neo-Tech followers as being the father of the business mind. He supposedly developed a system that is a viable alternative to Plato's, and in doing so, he had created a philosophy of reality and self interest in which one can obtain the highest values for everyone. Many neotechnical theses are based upon the Aristotelian process of approaching the manifestation of a situational environment.

                The nature of characteristics of humans are greatly controversial and contrasted when viewed with the two systems of interpretations. The mystical Platonistic view is that men and women are naturally irrational, unproductive, and evil. Also, it declares that humans have to be subordinate to a higher cause or power in order to achieve a value or worth. The "factual" Aristotelian perception is that humans are rational, good-natured, and productive by all means (Neo-Tech Power and the Neo-Tech Advantages, 1) . This to an ordinary follower is the only means of explaining why and how Neo-Tech works.

                The multiple system of conception goes on to explaining reality. The Platonistic interpretation is that reality is based upon one's own perception, faith, etc.,. Furthermore, it goes on to say that wishes, wills, and faith can alter or create reality. The "winner's" version is that reality is completely independent from any one's though or perceptions (Neo-Tech Power and the Neo-Tech Advantages, 1). The problem with this double-slanted system is that there are multitudes of views on each belief and contradiction.

                The two world concept is about as black and white Neo-Tech ever gets. There is a chapter in Neo-Tech explaining the futility and dangers of conscious thought in the bicameral mind. The bicameral mind, as Neo-Tech states, is the actual psyche in which nature has given to humans, and it is the basis from which all natural thought has originated. Conscious thinking is considered productive because it allows an unlimited amount of view on a subject which will set the horizon for wiser or more accurate decisions. However, the philosophy on a conscious bicameral min inundates with the potential for the mentality for retaining productivity, and adopting a subordination for a higher authority (Flint, Savage, 1).

                The complete distrust of mysticism and bicameral mentality gives reason for the eccentric expository methodologies that have been released. Poker has been the analogical resource to explain how to control the mystical mind which is inadvertently run by a bicameral mind. Many of the unclear perceptions and deception have been incorporated into the exploiting and employment which will lead to many inevitable vantage points. Unfortunately, many these and concepts of Neo-Tech have been contradicted and reasoned in this way.

                The one responsible for the creation of this series of beliefs is a one Dr. Frank R. Wallace. In actuality, he is Wallace Ward, and inorganic chemist, and he is the user of numerous other pseudonyms. After findding of the Neo-Tech doctrines in 1968, it is believed that the key leaders and writers of Neo-Tech are derived from the conscious thoughts of Mr. Ward, and his subtly aging family. This was the beginning spark was the I & O publishing company. I is for Individualism and O is for Objectivism (The King of All Heretics, 2).

                Ayn Rand is the founder of objectivism. As a Russian immigrant striving to compensate for her two already failed books, she wrote Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Through objectivism is the theory that one should emphaisze personal responsibility, individualism, the power of reason, and the importance of morality (Shermer, 1). Such a cult forming from these ideas is mind-bogglingly ambiguous. A cult is the antithesis of individualism and reason, which this belief provokes. The cultic flaw lies in between the boundary of the component of objectivism, which through reasoning, alleges that absolute truth and absolute wrong do in fact exist.

                Neo-Tech, though hypocritically altruistic at heart, is indeed full of many misleading and overworked idealism. IE., there is a promise that through Zonpower (synonymous to Neo-Tech), once can obtain infinite riches, love, and happiness. Another "factual" statement is the existence of extra-terrestrial aliens and the ether. However, in light of recent events, Dr. Wallace has come to terms with this hypothetical conclusion and adjusted it so that it is neither negated or supported in saying that it achieves the underlying meatphors. Conclusively, the promise of eternal life was given to the "zonnies" until 5/9/6 when the doctor once again corrected his thinking.

                Neo tech has been purely infallible in enraging the mystics and enlightening the followers. Ther eis no real doubt that Neo-Tech has impacted society as a whole, but to what extent maybe the question that should be asked. Either this is true, or the non-theological prodigies have remained neutral and/or have kepy quiet.

                Because of the fact that Neo-Tech is not a real religion, but rather a belief, it is figuratively impossible for one to total number of followers. One could obtain the number of employees in the actual company of Zonpower denied a $10,000 bonus because "only mature people receive bonuses" (King of All Heretics, 1) Either accept happiness as the true depth of life or not. A million diverging roads collide in the study of psychosomatic and anathematizing studies. Whether Neo-Tech is a threat or a cure for the world is really up for everybody, individualistically, to decide.

Bibliography Beeler, Charles. Strange City. Xlibris Corporations, 2000.

Hamilton, Mark. The Book. Neo Tech Pub, 1998.

King of All Heretics. (1996)         alt.neo-tech Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved on December 11, 2001         from: Shermer, Michael (1993)         The Unlikeliest Cult in History (From The Skeptic). Retrieved on December         11, 2001 from: War of Two Worlds (2001)         Retrieved on December 2, 2001 from: Neo-Tech Power and the Neo-Tech Advantages (2001)         Retrieved on December 5, 2001 from: Historic View of the Neo-Tech Discovery (1986)         Retrieved on November 30, 2001 from: Flint, John and Savage, Eric. (2001)         Controlling Mystics Through Their Bicameral Minds.

        Retrieved on December 12, 2001: