
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Corrie Paeglow 442-6292, Outstanding Faculty Member Nomination I stumbled into Jennifer Rudolph's "China's 20th Century Class" for one reason, and one reason only: I needed to take a 300-level history class, and it fit into my schedule. I expected to "do my time" in Chinese history, and that go on to bigger and better things. Oh, how wrong that assumption proved to be! Quite simply, Professor Rudolph made me fall in love with Chinese history. She conveyed the course content, but she also managed to hit on something much deeper than content; she truly made me understand why she loved Chinese history. In her lectures, the history of a people far away, with an experience far different from mine became fascinating and well worth studying. I was so captivated that I decided to change my major concentration from United States to Asian history.

At the same time, I also asked Prof. Rudolph to be my advisor, and when she is world-famous I'll have the privilege of saying that I was her first advisee. Professor Rudolph proved to be an excellent choice for the job- willing to find time to meet with me when I couldn't make office hours, full of advice on matters as disparate as the merits of learning European history and the scheduling of biology labs, and going the extra mile to make sure that I got into the classes that I needed.

I also had the pleasure of pursuing an independent study with Professor Rudolph. Once again, she proved to be an excellent choice for the job. We would begin talking about the reading I had completed, but almost always ended up discussing some other area. (Never before had I had a conversation that encompassed sorcery, the difficulties of translating the Bible into Chinese and the scientific basis for traditional Chinese medicine, all in less than an hour.) Studying with Professor Rudolph thus proved to be one of the most intellectually stretching experiences of my college years. And as college is all about stretching intellectual, I owe many thanks to Professor Rudolph for helping me grow in that capacity.

I believe that the true measure of a professor's impact is whether that impact lasts beyond the classroom, and beyond the college years. I know that Professor Rudolph's impact has lasted beyond the classroom; I continue to read Chinese history voraciously, watch Chinese movies, and learn anything I can about Asian culture. While it remains to be seen whether her impact will last beyond the college years, I believe that it will. My goals right now included spending time in Asia, perhaps even living there for a while, which I see as a clear sign that Professor Rudolph's influence will extend beyond my college years and through the rest of my life.