"Not Without My Daughter" by Betty Mahmoody

Essay by cheeky74 June 2007

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Betty Mahmoody was a young American mother, married to a man with family in Iran. She was asked to go with her husband to Iran to visit his family, along with their daughter, Mahtob. When they got there, Betty believed that she was going to stay for two weeks and then go home. Her husband then changed his mind and started going back to his Iranian ways, which meant he was in charge of the whole family and Betty could not leave legally in that country and could escape with her daughter because it was nearly impossible.

Moody, the husband, was cruel. He assaulted her numerous times and people just stood there and watched as she got pummeled into a pulp. It was very hard for Betty to adapt to this with terrible cooking, hygiene, and conditions. And even harder for her daughter at such a young age, eventually Moody made her start at a Iranian Primary school.

When she began to get freedom, she began to find ways to contact the people that she loved, and to find a way to escape from the hell that her husband called home.

Betty began to meet people that were quite kind to her and Mahtob, and helped her to find a way to escape. These people included store people, fellow Americans, people at the US Embassy, and even the teachers and employees at the school. They would do almost anything to help her as much as long as they were in no danger. They eventually found a way out to get through turkey, but not without its danger. This took months and lots of patient but the fight won Betty and her daughter, freedom, her loving family at home, and much, much more.