Odyssey - Family Honor

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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Throughout the book, there are many instances that family is the most precious thing in the character's lives. People in the Odyssey are very dedicated to their family and they will do anything to protect them. The characters in the book must overcome many obstacles to be reunited with their families. Revenge, protection, and longing are three aspects in which people are dedicated to and honor their family.

Family members take revenge on people who have harmed their loved ones. "'Hear me, Poseidon Earthholder Seabluehair! If I am truly thy son, and thou art indeed my father, grant that Odysseus the conqueror of Troy "¦ may never reach his home! But if it is his dye portion to se his friends "¦ may he find tribulation at home!'" (Page 111). Odysseus had recently blinded Poseidon's son and he was out for revenge upon Odysseus. He wanted justice for his son.

"My friends, here is a monstrous thing this man has done against our nation! First he goes off with a fleet of ships and a lot of fine fellows, loses the ships, loses the men, and comes back alone: then he kills the best of the Cephellenians. Come now, before he can escape to Pylos or Elis and the Epians, let us move, or we shall be disgraced for ever! It will be a blot upon us in generations to come if we do not punish the murderers of our son and brothers!'" (Page 269). The suitors' parents are angry with Odysseus for killing their sons. They lost a part of themselves when their sons were killed at the hands of Odysseus. When people lose a family member, their actions are uncontrollable and they are faced with much sorrow and grief.

Individuals sacrifice their time to protecting their vulnerable family members. "'You must take leave of Menelaus, if you want to find your dear mother still in your house; for her father and brothers urging her to marry Eurymachos.'" (Page 169). Athena just told Telemachos to return home and in honoring and protecting his family, he goes back to Ithica right away. He wants to keep Penelope unmarried to anyone except Odysseus because he has heard promising news of his father. "'I wish to return home at once, for I left no guardian behind me to look after the estate. I have fears that in seeking for my noble father I maybe lost myself, or at least something worth keeping may be lost from my house.'" (Page 171). Telemachos asks Menelaus for permission to return home and protect his household from the dishonorable suitors.

People have many emotional obstacles in their lives. However, their biggest obstacle is to be separated from their family. "'"¦ I long for the day of my home-coming. And if some god wrecks me again in the deep, I will endure it, for I have a patient mind.'" (Page 66). Odysseus is willing to endure obstacles to be home once again because he is longing to be reunited with his family. ""¦ Telemachos threw his arms around his noble father and burst into tears." (Page 185) Telemachos had just found out about his father and is overwhelmed with joy. He truly loves his father and his father loves him.

Individuals honor their families with revenge, protection, and longing. The characters avenge their families to lessen their sorrow. They protect their loved ones from harm. All throughout the Odyssey people long for their family during their journeys. Family honor is greatly respected in the Odyssey.