Oops! How¡¯s That Again?

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade August 2001

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Rosenblatt focuses on the subject of people having the occasional slipping of the tongue. He shows this by using various stories, light and humorous tone, and a well thought out structure. His purpose in writing the essay is to make the reader, usually a person who has made an oral spoof one time in their life or another, feel assured of his or her mistakes.

The stories are used to illustrate mistakes and act as a base to the entire essay. In the first paragraph, a very subtle statement is added in the midst of all the stories to make the reader think about bloopers. The phrase ¡°Slips of the tongue occur all the time¡± gives the reader what the essay is about. This phrase is in the middle of all these stories so Rosenblatt would not make the reader think and decipher what he is going to talk about.

Rosenblatt first introduces stories to act as the cornerstone for the building of his essay. The stories that he introduces are for the purpose of making the reader relate to a similar event so that he or she may understand how it feels to be laughed at or how it feels to be laughing at someone else. Unconscious to the reader, Rosenblatt has laid down the foundations for his.

On the next level, Rosenblatt uses a light and humorous tone to add another floor to his message to the reader. Rosenblatt uses a light and humorous tone because he wants the reader to know that making mistakes is a light and humorous event. Rosenblatt makes the reader see that we are all not perfect and make mistakes, and that is okay. Making a mistake may cause a serious consequence at one time, but will soon be forgotten because of its insignificance.

Using the stories he gives as a base, Rosenblatt uses a well thought out essay structure to convince his reader that making mistakes is human. He first introduces a lot of stories as a base. His tone makes the stories light and humorous, not having much gravity. Then, he introduces the psychoanalytical part of how other people perceive mistakes. Rosenblatt does this to compare and contrast the two ideas. Sure there might be an unconscious psychoanalytical definition behind all our little mistakes, but then again, we might also be human. Rosenblatt does this very successfully by contrasting the two ideas to convince the reader that we are all human and we all make mistakes.

Using these three methods of storytelling, tone, and essay structure, Rosenblatt convinces the reader of a lighter part of making mistakes. Making mistakes might have a definite reason behind it but it may be that all our mistakes may result from our humanity.