
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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While Orual expresses her story in order to make clear the injustice of the gods, she also reveals how the influence of the Fox and Psyche cause her to confirm or challenge the beliefs that she holds. For example, the Fox is a character whom relies solely on deductive reasoning and logic. His beliefs are dependent upon stoic philosophy and he repeatedly tells Orual that the old Greek myths are "only lies of poets, child. Not in accordance with nature."(8) The Fox insists upon precise observation and careful inference, while disregarding opinion and distrusting belief. This strict adherence to logic is quite similar to the apologetic and philosophical writings of Lewis, which are still making their impact felt in both circles today. Lewis is primarily noted for his skillful use of rational reasoning in creating arguments which are airtight, but as he grew older it seems as if he began to rely on the passion of imagination, as his fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, gives evidence of.

It is this passionate side of Lewis that is revealed through the character of Psyche. Her innocence and blind trust in the gods is in sharp contrast to the Fox. Psyche is completely unselfish and beautiful beyond comparison. Orual admits this when saying, "She made beauty all around her. When she trod on mud, the mud was beautiful...When she picked up a toad...the toad became beautiful." (22) Orual also states that Psyche was, "what every woman, or even every thing, ought to have been and meant to be, but had missed by some trip of chance"(22), leaving us to assume that her ability to love, care for others and serve the gods is not something beyond the grasp of common people, but rare enough to show others what they could possibly achieve.