Out of the ashes of WWI: How viable was the idea of a World Parliament?

Essay by KeirHigh School, 10th gradeA-, November 2005

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The League of Nations was founded to make the world a better place. Its aim was to stop the war, improve people's lives, disarm and enforce the Treaty of Versailles. However, it turned out to be useless, and there many reasons for its failure.

First of all, US, which were the country that came up with the idea of The League of Nations, did not join. It was the strongest country, and was the major power of the world, and they were very rich. For example, after the WWI, the economy of America went into a high speed development. From 1920 to 1929, the Gross National Product of Americans increased from 86.2 billion dollars to 104.4 billion dollars, and 48.5% of the world's industrial products came from America, the gold reserve of America was 55.5% of the world's reserve. So, without America, The League of Nations' power of sanctions wouldn't work that well, because most of the products that people needed were made in America, it didn't matter if a country in The League of Nations couldn't trade with other countries, which were also from the League of Nations, all of them could and had to trade with America, which was the country that wasn't in The League of Nations.

The League of Nations needed money from the members, but the country which had the most powerful economy was America, so The League of Nations didn't get enough economic support.

The second point is the aims of The League of Nations were unrealistic. The members in The League of Nations betrayed it. Even all the members promised they wouldn't break the peace, and signed the Article 10; some of the members still broke their promise. For example, Japan kept invading China; Italy seized Corfu in 1923. Two of...